There are Hunters on Herod levelling from 56+ by hacking DMT

They are repeatedly teleporting to the King and killing him. This is crashing the Herod economy as 40+ hunters are hacking DMT non-stop.

I’ve reported these players over the last several weeks, but they are still online.


What about them leveling is crashing the economy?

King kill only yields some gold from vendoring gear and some mana/health pots.

Teleport hacks are being used.


Yeah, while I don’t condone botting I’m not sure how this is ruining your server economy. I don’t think anyone is still selling Tribute loot at this point.

it’s massive incoming gold over the course of 30 lockout’s per day with pretty much zero work. Mana pots are one of the most used consumes, crashing the price of them also crashes the price of dreamfoil and icecap making it that much harder for legit players to make gold. The created gold from the vendor drops is then sold back to players for real money which causes artificial inflation further hurting legit players.


This is kind of like outsourcing electronics manufacturing to China. Sure, it’s harder for some American workers to make money, but high quality TVs sure are cheap these days, so more people can afford them. I like cheap arcane crystals, and what I farm and sell, they can’t hack.

Blockquote This is kind of like outsourcing electronics manufacturing to China. Sure, it’s harder for some American workers to make money, but high quality TVs sure are cheap these days, so more people can afford them. I like cheap arcane crystals, and what I farm and sell, they can’t hack.

I thought so too, until I saw a video of them flyhacking it.


Idk about you but I would prefer to NOT have to spend 30g for a stack of mana potions, and I would prefer to NOT have to spend 300+g on a flask for AQ40 or Naxx. Botting is a serious blight on the game, no doubt. But I’m all for cheap potions flasks and crystals.

As other people have said, this doesn’t make any sense. The “Herod economy” includes thousands of items sold every day. There is zero possibility that hunters farming Herod are “crashing” thousands of items.

I think this is just part of the recent fad of "I am sure there is a teleport hack, and I am upset about it, so it is important.


Um no its not there are far better ways to make gold and more gold than what comes from DM TRIBUTE runs. And as you have said the potions market is crashing so thats even less gold per hour.

How do you know this? How COULD you know this? You aren’t in the instance with them. Did you talk to 40 different players and they told you this? Are you a GM with game logs?

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40 bots doing it, at 30g per run in sellables + 5 pots = 40x 30 = 1200g and 150 pots x 30 runs a day = 36000 gold and 4500 pots put into the economy each day by botting. Let us be realistic, there are a lot more than 40 doing it in a day, so yeah, huge effect on even a big server.


You can sit outside the instance and all the bots do the exact same path to run, turn, reset, zone back in. If they are locked out, they will keep trying the same path over and over. If you wanted to count the bots you could wait outside for 15 mins and see which ones do that.

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Reddit kids with low IQ dont understand this. Just because consumes become lower doesn’t mean its good for the player base because a lot of these consumes are used by LEGITIMATE PLAYERS to afford other consumes/crafts. Arcane crystals are the same thing. Non cheating players lose their farms and it forces them to go out to overcrowded world farms that become too overpopulated to reliably make gold from.

Where does the normal player make gold now?

Or do they quit or just buy gold that actiblizz is probably getting a cut from?


Lets be realistic here one person running 40 iterations of wow on one computer is highly unlikely, even if they were the kind of hardware you’d need is crazy expensive or does not exist yet. The cost benefit analysis makes no sense here.
Where are you getting this 30g in sellables from gordocks entire loot table does not add up to 30g its more 5-10g.
Again there are better ways of making more gold than this.

3 blues, a few greens, pots and other stuff. I am pretty sure they are using virtual machines to run them which if so, would mean you could run many depending on memory. On twitch you can watch people boxing and using 1 machine, the most ive seen is 40.

Thank you for explaining. That makes sense. It’s possible that a few of them are players acting like bots, but probably not.

I’m an altoholic. So all I do is level characters up to 40. I did my last 3 characters (the hardest 3 classes) on 3 new servers, just so I could add the money-making challenge: make 100 gold to buy a mount by the time I hit 40.

I had no trouble doing that (while getting decent gear and all my abilities at every level). Heck, on one server my level 10 auction house character made more than 100 gold.

I make gold by crafting things that sell on the AH for a profit.

By “normal player” do you mean “a level 60 raider who needs hundreds of gold every week to buy raid consumables, but who refuses to have professions and use the AH to make gold”? To me that isn’t normal. I think the primary purpose of the AH and of professions in this game is gold-making.

Blockquote Where are you getting this 30g in sellables from gordocks entire loot table does not add up to 30g its more 5-10g.

I think you’ve forgotten about the tribute chest. You receive 7 Blues and greens and five major mana potions from every run. The blues DE into LBS and the greens into GEE’s. Plus a chance at a Compendium, the epic axe, and a 50/50 chance at a solid chest. It comes out to about 40g per run, prior to the bot takeover.

Blockquote Again there are better ways of making more gold than this.

Let me counter, if it wasn’t worth it, why are there 40+ bots in there on Herod alone?

RIGHT NOW there are 6 hackers LEVELLING by killing the king over and over.


People ALWAYS say this bs but don’t list a SINGLE way to make any better gold as a hunter than selling items from Dire M north runs.

Enlighten us

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