No one ever talks except in sanctuary cities. At level 70 there’s a lot I cannot kill solo. Like trying to do stuff for Dreamsurge investigation, all these ‘rare’ empowered by the dreamsurge things absolutely destroy me I can never get anyone to help.
Nice name, btw!
I’m afraid that is the Will Of The Devs, and the Way Of The Game in the current era.
The gear you wear as a level 70 is less powerful that it was at the end of Dragonflight, as well, so you will have problems taking down big Elites, especially as a Rogue, which is not the best class for that purpose anyway.
The Devs, ofc, want you to buy the current War Within expansion. Then you can level to 80, and keep getting better gear for more power, and be among all the other people who are hunting the big Rare-Elites.
On gametime alone, at 70, you can do lots of things:
- You can quest around the zones as much as you want
- You can run dungeons
- You can fight Battlegrounds
- You can solo old raids and dungeons for mounts, pets, mogs
- You can make multiple alts of multiple races and classes and run them through different expansions
- You can gather, farm, or play the AH for Gold
- You can collect Achievements
but your power progression is over at level 70 somewhere between ilevel 450 and 500
There just aren’t a lot of people playing at 70. You can ask for help from an 80, ofc, and you will find one to help occasionally.
You can stay 70 as long as you want, but as you see, life gets a bit pointless after you have done whatever you are interested in.
And that’s what pushes people to buy the latest expansion.
Thank you. I sort of want to play the DLC to 80 but $50 seems like a bit much with the subscription. I have been doing quests but some of them are impossible solo and I just couldn’t seem to find anyone to help in the area after trying for half an hour. I did queue a dungeon but it bugged and we got stuck and had to alt+f4, which led to being unable to log back into my character. Battlegrounds are very confusing to me and I die a lot, so maybe later. Slowly I am doing other content in the game but there is a lot in there and I don’t know what I can do on my own either, or if it requires unlocking areas as some have.
I’m a bit surprised to hear that some quests are impossible solo - regular quests, at least. Event quests like Dreamsurge investigation and a couple of World Quests in the Elite area of Zaralek were made for groups.
Level 70 areas are pretty deserted now that most everyone is 80. Group Finder might find someone, but only if they are around.
That was a shame about the dungeon. It really doesn’t often happen. I have only once had to kill the game when I got stuck at a spot in a dungeon, but when you do Alt+F4, for whatever reason, the game doesn’t register your character as logged-out for 10 or15 minutes. You can clear this by logging in on a different character, btw.
As for what you can do, I have made some suggestions above. My favorite suggestion is to make a new character and level it through a different expansion. I presume you levelled through Dragonflight? You could make another character, and at level 10 you can choose a different expansion from Chromie, in front of the Embassy in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Wrath of the Lich King/Northrend, Legion/Broken Isles, and Battlefor Azeroth are all safe recommendations for expansions.
The game feels very different on different classes. A Tauren Protection Paladin feels nothing like a Worgen Rogue, or a Blood Elf Frost Mage, or a Human Beast Mastery Hunter.
The easiest specs for solo play for a beginner are:
- Any Tank Spec, like Protection Paladin, Guardian Druid, Protection Warrior, Blood Death Knight
- Any Pet spec, like Beast Mastery Hunter, any Warlock spec with a Voidwalker
Those are the specs that will have what it takes to handle the big Rare-Elites.
You’ve been playing hardmode with soloing as a Rogue. Without high gear, Rogues are squishy.
You want something to do? Treat yourself to a new Mount!
Do exactly this:
- Take the portal from Stormwind Portal hall to Dalaran, Crystalsong Forest, Northrend.
- Fly down south to Wyrmrest Temple
- In front of Wyrmrest Temple, as you approach it from the North, there is a fissure/path in the snow. Follow that down to the chamber at the base of the Temple.
- Right-click your portrait onscreen, and choose Raid Difficulty 25-man
- Walk straight across the chamber through the portal at the back of the room. You are now in The Obsidian Sanctum.
- There is a BIG dragon in the middle, and lots more around the sides, but they are piddly 35s, and no match for your mighty 80-ness!
- Walk forward and kill the big dragon Sartharion WITHOUT KILLING ANYTHING ELSE. This is important. If you kill something else first, the achievement fails and you do not get your Drake.
- Everything else will jump at you, but they won’t even scratch you. Just kill them at your leisure.
In the huge pile of loot, you will find
Right-click that to learn it, and you have a new mount - the Twilight Drake, which is quite nice!
A few quests, even while leveling seem to involve elites depending on the area that are pretty rough. I have been leveling a mage & shaman, and they do feel nice leveling. I have been doing the burning crusade and cataclysm areas to piece together timelines for the lore a bit. That and there’s a lot of zones to go through.
The dungeon thing appears to be a bug affecting quite a few people after looting bosses in dungeons today, as explained to me in customer support forum. I have done a decent amount of dungeons prior so it makes sense to be a bug that started today, since it had affected 4 of us in there.
Apparently our characters were stuck online in the instances for some time - half hour or more seemed to do the trick.
I do appreciate the suggestions and giving me extra things to do, I will try to figure out getting that new mount the next time I play around.
I’d try joining an active and large guild and asking for help there.
Yup, a guild, if you can find one that suits you, is worth a shot.
So is a Community.
Finding one that has players active in the 70 range might be difficult, though, and a long search, trying one after another, may be discouraging.
By all means keep an eye out for one. Check the Recruitment forums
and check Discords - which is where most social stuff happens these days - for a group you can join, but don’t rely on finding one.
I’d help. Are all your characters Alliance?