There’s rules

T-rex’s make for the worst shortstops.


lol. I was on my warrior with a lock, and we queued into a solo mage. My lock partner waited for the mage to eat/drink before killing him.

I don’t actually think it’s particularly respectful to slow down a certain annihilation if you have class advantage.

But meh. I don’t disagree with your point either :slight_smile:

Ppl can cheese bgs and clown wpvp all they want, idc.

Just always pushing for increased Arena participation. But we have these lifelong challengers every season tryharding 2v1 arena skirmishes against some alone undergeared curious player, who now may never queue in to it again lol.

There’s a second part. If it’s blood elf, it’s camped.

That actually used to be the rule, not anymore though. Players would have a “REP” if they 1v1 or 3v1. Now it’s just a KoS mindset, which is kind of boring imo.

If it’s 2 guys duking it out, I’ll respect the 1v1.

The instant another red name tag rides by and so much as STOPS, all bets are off.

If I see someone getting 1v2’d I’m lighting the one with lower health up like Vegas and throwing heals if I can. Hell the other day I found a warrior getting jumped by 2 Rogues. Invited him, dropped WF and got to watch one go :dash: and the other :coffin: on the first WF proc.

The overwhelming majority of players will cut and run from a fair fight in WPvP. THATS WHY you respect the 1v1 in the first place.

There literally is no such rule.

Nah, If I see someone attacking an ally I’m going to heal them and fear you

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It’s the unwritten rule like buffing someone after they buffed you

Again, there is no such rule. I think you have the word confused with something like “courtesy.”

As somebody who has played wow since the release 15 years ago I can confidently say there is no such rule nor has there ever been such a rule written or otherwise.

The only rule is “If its red it is dead.”

this is rich, coming from a blood elf paladin.

You don’t like blood elf’s?

My rule is “if its red, it is most likely killing me, unless they are afk and I can win.” :slight_smile:

I like rp-pvp realms for the danger of dying. I may be terrible at pvp but I enjoy it nonetheless. Adds so much to my gameplay. ( explaining my thoughts for the rule i put up)

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No one does.

Not even blood elves.

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