Theramore's Bombing

Yep, I know. So, yah he was not trying to spar any non-combatants. He actively went after them.

From what I have seen there are two camps that cover most of the hate. The first is the ones that are pissed that she has the audacity to decide the Horde is bad. Maybe it was a reaction to the fact that she was very favorable to the Horde for a long time until the Horde betrayed her. Horde players felt the sting of losing an advocate. Or maybe it was just the general idea that anyone that says bad stuff about the Horde is evil, which has been a repeated theme. But, either way, she decided she does not trust the Horde, so the hate. The second group is just the people jumping on the bandwagon. people who just get worked up and join any hatewagon.

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Or not so friendly if one remembers the post Second War history of how the Alliance of Lordaeron fell apart.

Your point? I’m sure that Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Dresden each had a couple of orphanages along with Allied POW camps. Their presence was decided not to be a factor in the target selection process. Neither were significant military targets which is why the Allies hadn’t bombed them before deciding that both cities would be perfect as both test subjects and demonstration of their power convert virgin cities into instant ruins.

War jusifies ANYTHING. There aren’t really any exceptions save those invented by the victors to punish the losers after it’s all done. And they will excuse their own violations of those invented standards as “Neccessary”.


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Speaking from a purely meta position it would be absolutely assassine if the smaller, less popular faction is the one to absorb the other faction. The reality of the two factions does not match the fantasy of the Alliance being some behemoth of OPness. If they wanted to make the least amount of players angry by doing this… Horde absorbing the Alliance is the way to go.

History, unfortunately, is not on your side in that debate.

This is simply not the case.

Politically: There are some things that are considered war crimes. There is a reason a lot of things just are not done. Some actions are just as likely to turn allies into enemies if you do them. “We were at war” just does not excuse everything.

Morally: There is really no way to justify certain actions. Just because some people do them and/or have done them does not excuse them. People will absolutely do terrible things in war, but they are still terrible things. War is not a justification for more evil.


That’s correct… that’s also why the United States took great pains to whitewash and rewrite certain aspects of the history of the war, in particular the actions of the Japanese Emperor in the war’s final months. In fact many of the decisions in the targeting of the atomic attacks were made in the mind that Japan was going to be repurposed as an American front in the up and coming war against Communism. The bombs dropped in Japan were aimed more at the Soviets than the Japanese.

Sole possession of atomic armanents was the key element in the American post war global realignment strategy.

Also keep in mind that despite the fact that we had sole possession of Japan the treatment of their atomic scientists was vastly different compared to those we captured from Germany.

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Theramore was a legit military target. However, to say ‘Garrosh did nothing wrong’ is also not true IMO.