Theramore, loved and not forgotten

I know in the Future Theramore Gets destroyed. This is a great opportunity to take that city to the next level. Simple, add-ons or additions if you want to say that could be added to the city to being it up a little bit for example there could be a vendor In the Forge area that sells blacksmithing in engineering stuff there’s literally an npc Standing right there that’s doing absolutely nothing. He’s not a quest giver. As far as I know he’s just an NPC standing there gnome that has no purpose to the game whatsoever… Caz Twosprocket. I mean, unless he’s an engineer trainer, but doesn’t say he is. The Scarlet Crusade is there. It would be really cool to add some more themes from them. The city almost feels unfinished like there could’ve been so much more potential. The mount vendor was never finished. The understanding I had was that this was originally gonna be like a vendor for the horses. It would really be cool to see an update to their models. Maybe let make them look cooler. There’s a bunch of empty stalls near the docks in the front that could be updated with vendors of all sorts of different things you could make this city like an event zone

Theramore… Let us love this city because who cares what we put in it. The future is already told. So no matter what we put here it wouldn’t matter!!! This is a great space for SOD to do something with. The coastline could be updated with a new type of fish. The whole zone could be added with a new type of ore, The mage tower in the middle could be updated with all sorts of things. There’s a Paladin trainer here and a warrior trainer here, There could be class specific things for them. Maybe the paladin gets scarlet Crusade things and the Warrior could do something. I don’t know you tell me what could the warrior do… There’s a lot of potential in the city and it just ended up getting destroyed for no reason probably because it was unfinished and they didn’t know what to do with it instead of taking their content and making something out of it. It was really sad. It’s my favorite city

Let’s make Theramore great again!


I remember back in TBC/WotLK the portal was also available for Theramore. Onyxia charm emissary could be added here also. Lots of options.

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Interesting, never new that, this area just feels unfinished and missing pieces, vendor stalls empty, class trainers with no quests, a mage tower in the middle that serves no purpose, mount vendor who doesn’t have a faction, scarlet crusade meeting with theramore with no context… the list goes on and on. This zone could use an update and just about no matter what you put here it won’t really matter lore wise cuz the city is said to be nuked in the future so all the evidence is destroyed anyway. Let’s make this a great hub for alliance.

I’m even thinking we could retro fit an area for the horde as well, maybe not this city but there are places where the cataclysm took out sections of zones that we could squeeze in some interesting horde characters might like… maybe in 1000 needles next door, there under water in cataclysm so we could put anything there!

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I never played WoW past WotLK so I don’t know lore wise what happens to it and why, but this is SoD, they can do whatever they want without messing with the lore.

I think, originally, the idea was to have breeds of mounts available in different areas…but that proved to be way too much time involved; think each race, each mount, each rarity…and you get one or maybe two (rare and epic) from an NPC ‘in the world’.

I think the other thing they toyed with was having class trainers ‘specialize’ in trainer (think Crafting Professions’ Journeyman, Expert, Artisan). Because the Paladin Class trainer in Theramore will train you, but won’t offer to reset your talents. So, for whatever reason, this trainer is running a different ‘training script’ than the other trainers for Paladins.

…and, again, they would have realized the monumental task of placing trainers throughout the world of various expertise levels for each class.

I just want to find out what happened at the Shady Rest Inn. :male_detective: :mag_right:

Theramore gets destroyed??? (/s) Sounds like you came from the ‘Bad Timeline’. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, what did happen at Shady Rest Inn, Blizz?

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