Theory: Xal'Atath is SO a Naaru

Look at her silhouette! The orbs on her shoulders, the upturned shoulders themselves, the trailing bits of cape, her headband! The fact that she floats everywhere with that singular point that her feet make! Even her common arm positioning at her sides!

Now look at her colors! Essentially two colors, purple/black (it’s WoW, they’re the same thing) edged in gold, with some blue that could easily be folded into the purple if she were to…

… go “photo negative” and invert her color scheme completely! Picture her with golden hair and robe edged in purple! It works!

Not only does it work, but there is a very powerful faction painted on the narrative horizon ruled by… you guessed it, one very light-centric, singular ruler who, if you put a golden Xal at his shoulder, could easily be a major villain and raid boss when he disowns his Hallowfall expedition for being tainted by proximity to darkness!

If she’s a naaru, she has a light phase, and there’s a “light villain” story to be told before Renilash!


theory: Sargeras is going to come back to save us, cleansed of his madness.


She is more likely to be the old god that is in the mural on the wall from the spider dungeon


Counter theory: She is the Stonewright exacting judgement on drowned Souls(the Souls in the Military Ward are visibly being drowned) pushing them to the bring of a Dream in a certain role before they succumb to that Dream’s Void and have to enter a different possibility!

This explains Xal’atath’s obsession with Wrath and why her weapon is a Disk-like object similar to the Medallion of Wrath.

Infinite Truths yet One Truth.

Tyr(who suspiciously shares a Voice Actor with N’Zoth) in this theory would start off in the role of Elisande(first made to live in the role of one who sided with Tyrants like he did when he backed the Titans) then switch to N’Zoth(getting a look into the Eldritch Horror’s worldview and the desire to save others) then after returning to the Void return to the role of himself now serving the Infinite Dragonflight(basically a Tyr with the Void’s Worldview) before returning of the Void of Sleep before returning to the role of Elisande now reading Tyr’s Memories trying things again and again until someone peacefully makes her willingly give the Tyr’s Guard said Memories before awakening as Tyr when she goes to escape the Timeline.

Vyranoth is infact the Winter Queen aiding in this Memory restoration that extracts Wrath while ascertaining Iridikron’s motivations as well as who is in the wrong before realizing the real Vyranoth(who uses Raszageth’s Model) was justified in opposing Iridikron and Fyrakk to the death getting all 3 killed in a mutual KO.

The Winter Queen in Dream Ardenweald is the Night Warrior.

The being the Stonewright believes to be the Slumbering World Soul? Tyrande whom the Big Bad(impersonating Tyrande in the waking World and also the one playing the role of Red-Eyed Sylvanas) has tricked the Stonewright into thinking is the World Soul of Azeroth brought to Revendreth for the crime of impersonating the Goddess Elune.

Better theory. Nzoth won ans silvanas will save us from his nightmare dream

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xalatath is a dreadlord

Dreadlord is a Xal’atath. There. I said it.

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Nah I reckon she’s a void girl

She’s a corpse

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Yeah and the crystal in Hallowfall is probably full of a bunch of Na’aru tbh, it uses the same naming conventions as Draenei ships and the runs are familiar too

It’s been shifting back and forth lately and we know Na’aru cycle between light and void

Xal’atah even refers to the Na’aru as her “misguided cousins” basically

Gasp, Xal’atath has been Jaina this whole time?!

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naming on the spriest legendary weapon is xalatath, blade of the black empire

so she is blade of the empire. arathi empire? black empire?


She was trapped inside the blade.

She’s the harbinger for the black empire, this we know.

She’s not a naaru. Just a void girl

She’s weak

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When she was a knife, the lore books stated its rumored she was taken from the claw of a dead old god that was consumed by the other old gods.

My guess since its proven that any part of an old god has its essence, Pandaria and the heart, that claw has the essence of the old god. So Xal’atath is the old god reborn.

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you sound awfully like a dreadlord buddy

I swear, your posts are always so rich with lore and trivia, that I have to really, really focus on reading them because there’s almost no fat on it. Always fascinating takes to me. Thank you for taking the time to craft these, even if my comprehension is still spooling up hours later.

She’s not an old god, Alleria states that plainly when she’s filling in General Steelstrike on the situation.

Whatever she is, it’s probably something we haven’t seen yet. Some kind of higher void-entity that acts as a go-between for the Void Lords when dealing with their Old God minions.

I am grasping at straws I noticed in game for my theories.

These are the straws that inspire the theory you are replying to.

I also noticed that Chronicle Vol. 4 said Xe’ra had a connection to Elune that allowed Elune’s Tear to work rather than what is said ingame(that she is descended from Elune). If my theory about Xal’atath being the Stonewright(who is a Night Warrior of Elune) and that all of WoW up to this point is a Dream caused by the Stonewright drowning us in Revendreth(and tricked by the previous Harvester of Wrath into drowning Tyrande under the false accusation that she is the World Soul the truth of which is discovered by the Winter Queen playing Vyranoth in Dragonflight) is correct then there is the possibility that she is infact Xe’ra.

And yes that means the Dream Sword of Sargeras was infact an attempt to injure her brethren with Shadow to devour them only for the plan to backfire when the energy was sent into her through Remornia weakening her Light enough that she had to consume Souls to stabilize making her Void Life Energies from her Night Warrior Phase more apparent.

Yes that means Midnight will take us directly into the Gardens of Life with our first locale being the Cosmic Realm of Life’s Void of Night rather than taking us to the Void of the Cosmic Realm of Shadow(which will remain out of reach as usual)!

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shes probably connected to the initial curse of flesh since she seems to be particularly enamored with manipulating mortals even for a void being. And by that I mean usually void armies seem to be tentacles, bugs, and primordial beings with the occasional cultists, but Xal’atath is mostly known for bringing mortals to their doom like the ring of power, and even in this expac where we get to see her acting as the main villain she has entirely focused on manipulating mortals, and so far her army making plans have been converting nerubians and earthen into void modified nerubians and earthen and i’m sure we’ll be seeing some arathi equivalents soon enough.

Shes also the first void entity that is full time larping as a mortal while wearing an elf that she found somewhere, whatever her story is its probably going to connect to how the heros of azeroth just keep winning when facing cosmic threats that at face value should crush us, or at least thats what i’m hoping for her story. It makes sense though shes probably one of the wow villains with the most connection to a player character having been the shadow priest artifact weapon and all.

Love it. :heart_eyes:

shes a foot goat for sure.