Theory crafting havoc PVP (Haste vs Versatility)

TLDR: is 20% versatility better than 24% haste?

I am wondering if versatility is actually the play in PVP. I understand it provides some damage reduction, but was curious if converting all versatility to haste might be better.

My current stats

Stat Rating Percentage
Haste 3,030 4.59%
Versatility 15,739 20.18%
Mastery 16,311 41.94%
Critical Strike 1,604 2.29%

Stat scaling for Havoc (from what I could gather from my character sheet in game)

Stat Per 1,000 Rating (% Increase) Per-Point Scaling (% per Rating)
Haste 1.52% 0.001515%
Versatility 1.28% 0.001282%
Mastery 2.57% 0.002577%
Critical Strike 1.43% 0.001428%

If I converted all vers to haste:

Stat Rating Percentage
Versatility 15,739 20.18%
Haste 15,739 23.8%

I am aware i would lose out on 10% less damage take in addition to the 20% damage done from vers, but could 24% more haste actually be better?

I don’t think you’d honestly need anymore than 20% tops regardless. And 15% right now feels perfect imo, until we get more stats to spread out then I’d go 20% but I have no math behind it more just feeling lol

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Did you get the extra haste at the expense of mastery or versatility?

Not really, just using a haste ring with enchant and gems also haste in the ring, I play felscar so I hit like 15%+ with just that. Everything else is mastery all the way lol

I think I will recraft both my vers/mastery rings to haste/mastery and try it out.

And anywhere I can add mastery (gems and enchants) I will.

In DF the go too thing was mastery/verse everything with neck being mast/haste because it gave the most secondary stats, this is PvP talk though. But I just love a little haste on my demon. Hunter always have.

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