Then and now

Well, I’ve tried others. I love WOW though and have years invested. I can’t imagine what brand new players feel.

You are so right. I was never good at side scrollers or jumping around games. WOW feels like Ninja Gaiden 1 when it used to feel like Kirby Dreamland.

What I want is to play Retail WOW with the mechanics of Vanilla, BC and WOTLK.

Also I want that community era too.

That’s when I used to could play 18 hours a day and force myself to sleep.

Now, I find myself turning WOW off after getting a headache and going to bed early.


Then: fast and furious 1 was an entertaining movie about kids racing for pink slips.

Now: fast and furious 2-47 ---- WTF???

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I dunno. People act like this is new when it’s been a thing forever. Mechanics have always been a thing. Did we forget Heigan dance or Lady Vashj or even AQ fights?

Pay attention to DBM/Big Wigs, keep practicing, learn as a group, and I fail to see the issue.

Just to pop my 2 cents onto this discussion, been playing wow for to stupidly long a time. And yeah I pretty much stopped raiding.

Not because I couldn’t figure out the mechanics eventually, nor would I fail to figure out the choreography eventually either. But it has just gotten to the point where it takes to much time per fight. 12-15 min fights, maybe it is my age but god damn after about 5-8 minutes of beating on the boss I get bored.

There is no mechanic blizzard that makes a 10 min fight fun. If it takes more than 5 minutes to end a boss if you are doing everything right… I’m out.

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Well I just gave up on end game except world quests and maybe heroic dungeons.

I treat WoW like D&D. The idea isn’t to get to level 20 to start playing the game, you start at level 1 and see where you get to while enjoying the ride. Even if its for the 25th time

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Your definition of “fun” is not necessarily applicable to anyone else. Standing in one spot chain-casting one spell (and then wanding when you inevitably went out of mana) may have been “fun” back in Vanilla…because we didn’t know any better. But that sort of thing just wouldn’t fly today.

Illidan was like a 25 minute fight…

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This summer comes a blockbuster about fast cars and big guns. When Generic Guy finds a car from friggin’ outer space the Zerbenoid invasion begins. Now Generic Guy has to fly through space and through a mothership filled with the toughest Zerbenoid rough riders this side of the galaxy. Vin Disel and Kevin James star in Fast and Furious 45: We’re In $@#$%^ Outer Space, Bro.


Mechanics has been a thing yes. However the amount and complexity of the mechanics has changed… too much for my brain.

I hate it too because it makes me feel stupid that I can’t play and win at some of them currently and I’m far from stupid.

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You’re not stupid. Maybe it’ll just take more research first. Watch the videos a few times. Maybe tweak the settings in DBM/Big Wigs. See if there’s something else that’ll help as far as add-ons go.

Ask for help and advice from guildies. Or maybe just stick to Heroic and wait to run Mythic later. I know you want the mounts, but I don’t want to see you miserable and stressed either.

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Don’t worry about it, they’re going to be putting the best transmog on the in-game store now. :neutral_face:

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Classic is still there for you to tank and spank. People want harder content and no one is forcing you to do it. What exactly is your problem with other people being better than you?

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I don’t have a problem with people being better than me.

I have a problem that the mechanics are so … tediously complex that I can’t do them.

Therefor I can’t progress. It’s not a matter of people being better than me or progressing faster.

It’s… I’m stuck and it’s ridiculous.

Also if you’d bothered reading what I said you’d have noticed I want to play and progress in retail, not classic. There’s no need for me to go backwards. I want to go forwards. However IQ locked platform mechanics are stopping this.

80% of Blizzards mechanics are running out of a circle…you got this dude.

Thanks. I don’t want to be miserable either.

However coming in at the end of BFA has been the worst WOW experience I’ve ever had in my life in every aspect of the game. I do mean every aspect too. If it’s in game I’ve probably tried it for fun and it’s just not happening.

Maybe 2020 is just cursed in all ways.

2020 is has been hell. And BfA sucked in every way possible for many people. It’s not just you.

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It’s not you man, Mythic just takes practice and has so many things going on at one time and all 25 players need to be on point for the most part. Practice helps.

The one absolute thing I hate about mythic raiding, is it’s like a second part time job that sucks. It only feels good when you down the bosses, but nights apon nights for wipes, just blows a$$

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It sounds like you just don’t like Mythic raiding.

Just stick with Normal and Heroic raids. The story is the same and those are more in line with Vanilla Boss mechanics.

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