I love them!
They’re so colorful and awesome looking! I really wish the netherwings of WoW could get updated to look something like this.
Also, look at the baby one!
It looks kind of like a shark pup, and I love it! <3
I so hope we get updated dragon models in the next expansion. They look so outdated 
Aye. I just wish the current development status of Reforged didn’t have me incredibly worried 
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Oh wow, man I wish we had these in WoW, I’d actually think Netherwings looked great then. If only x.x
I’d love an armored one that isn’t PVP-exclusive.
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Yeah that would be nice. Same goes for every other PvP dragon model. I want an armored cloud serpent. 
Armored cloud serpent would be nice. I was a big PVP fan until Legion, but even I have issues with this weird trend of armored mounts being PVP-only.
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They gotta do something to bribe people into pvp. 
Oddly enough the Frostwyrm mounts were the opposite. Raid ones were armored and PvP ones weren’t. I still think its kind of weird how they randomly broke the cycle.
They could start by fixing the classes.
Those looks so nice. I also wish our Netherwing Mounts looked like that.
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good god those are flippin gorgeous I want them and I want them now
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There’s a difference between playing pvp here and there and earning a gladiator mount.
But anyways, I don’t mind that gladiators have exclusive mounts and transmog.
Dear Lord I needs them here
I wants!!!
The Netherwing mounts are definitely showing their age, but I don’t think they’d end up looking like that even if they were updated (at least not around the face/mouth). The art style they’re showing off in Reforged is pretty different than the direction they’ve gone with WoW.
So when are they remaking wow using the wc3 remaster stuff?