Them Fancy New PTR Legos

I can’t decide which legendary I will make for PvP. Those buffs are spicy, and I’m torn between Exploiter and Enduring Blow for burst, and Battlelord for general throughput.

if your Venthyr (which you are) Exploiter def has some value, but not sure of its actually up time :/. Battlelord will be much more of a guarantee and you can pretty much take slam out completely and just dump IP all the time.

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Not completely, you still can run the risk of rage cap and need to use slam to expend rage. Overpower won’t always trigger and when ms is on cd. You’ll still need to use slam at some point. Maybe not as frequently but it will still be needed once in a while.

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I average 2-3 a game lol. And I’m never capped.

After my last session in 3’s I kind of kept track of how many times I legit could have pulled off the condemn condemn op op mortal strike combo, the number was actually pretty high against most teams.

Also keep in mind that healers are constantly topping their team so with condemn it is very easy to keep that 30 second debuff on one if not 2 targets.

If my math is right, pulling a swap and condemning twice, especially if you already have the overpower buff on, into a sharpened, warbreaker mortal strike will put them into condemn range again. This is at my gear level of ilvl 204. This is without any crits! If you crit the Ms they are 1 more condemn from death.

Now the healer (if the arent cc’d) is having to deal with a sharpened target, in condemn range.

Im still not 100% sold, but the prospect is terrifying for the other team.

It can also be set up fairly easily, and isnt prone to rng like the other one.

Teams I wouldnt want to use it on I am already prefering mirror for.

Granted this is my experience in the 1500 bracket, maybe in higher rating it will change.

Is it even possible to giveup double snare removal/CC immunity from Tormented Kings in pvp?

Given that Bladestorm, too, can be hard-countered in certain comps (Boomy, MM, Elemental, DK peel, etc.) via knockbacks or grips, I’d wager… yes. I love it sometimes, but it tends to have less decisive or reliable moments of advantage than, say, Exploiter (and with even some of the upcoming buff to the latter…).

You can’t be knocked back while brostorming, you can however, be Death Gripped… you can also reflect Death Grip while brostorming.

I’ve Bursting Shot and Thunderstriked Bladestorms off the EotS central bridge many a time, even in this xpac alone. You just have to do it the moment it activates. A half-second longer into the channel and it’ll do nothing.

This is why I’ll wait til a Hunter actually instant-casts, rather than merely casting Steady Shot (which they can cancel into Bursting), to Bladestorm.

Either way, I don’t see Tormented Kings as any absolute requirement for PvP.

Executioners Precision at the end of Legion was probably the most fun I had as Arms

I will definitely give Exploiter a try if it’s good

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You’re counting something that is the result of latency. I have been cycloned/sheeped/etc in the past while brostorming, just like I have broken a stun by pressing the ability a half second later. Just like how you get hit with a cc why spell reflect is up. There’s a difference between “working as intended,” and something that is a result of latency.

don’t quit your day job.

None of the proposed changes are really all that great for Fury. Cadence could potentially be half-decent if it stacks with Frenzy, but the issue with Frenzy is that you lose that talent as soon as you Rampage something else. This combination actually makes up for the completely unnecessary nerf to the Haste that Enrage provides (Seriously, bump Enrage’s haste from 15% back to its 25% and Fury might actually be back in a good spot again!).

Will of the Berserker is still crap. Crit is one of Fury’s least desired stats now that we’ve moved away from Cold Steel, Hot Blood (which, imho, they should have added to Seethe, maybe if they had people would actually take that talent).

Seismic Reverberation could potentially be okay? It could have synergy with Meat Cleaver for a total of 125% extra damage, but I still don’t think it’ll be as good as Signet in AoE. I’m fairly disappointed in 9.0.5’s offerings, to be honest. I was hoping for something solid for Fury, seeing as the spec is still struggling, but all we get is Leggos that still probably wont overtake (or even provide meaningful alternatives) to Deathmaker and Signet.

Necrolord Banner might be fairly good, though, a Mastery boost is always welcome and it’ll be nice to maybe see something other than Condem/Sudden Death/Massacre.

Im just waiting for the tears in pvp when exploiter venthyrs proc a mortal combo and legit drop 32k damage worth of lucky ms crits on someone.

First one will crit for 22-24kish with the mortal combo one critting for 10kish

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Can we not wear different leggos for different bosses?

Not if, per the context of what you’re quoting, the lego is used to bandage up otherwise gaping holes in our kit rather than those problems being addressed directly.

Tbf, that’s not the case at present — we can get by off Heavy Repercussions and The Wall, for instance, for Sludgefist itself — but it is a future-proofing issue.

But legos like this often mean the answer to, say, “Why are we still stuck with a 30-Rage Shield Block?” is simply “Shut up and just run Reprisal!” since it does make it a non-issue (even while it remains a somewhere between an excessive and awkward weakness for any other build).

It kind of makes me wish, with due tuning, that Exploiter wasn’t limited to the target struck, but simply affected the next hit instead.

Heck, what if it just straight up allowed Overpower’s buff to stack up to 4 times at 25% each (up from 20%) and for Execute to likewise generate stacks of Overpower? (Granted, I’d then be using that on Cleave…)

Are we not already objectively the best tanks for sludgefist as it is?

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Again, merely an example.

Though, we are still the third least popular tank for Sludgefist in Heroic or Mythic, along with the least popular tank for CN in general, at any difficulty.

Honestly, I just want a second soulbind from a second covenant, and the ability to choose which covenant ability and signature ability I have selected (to mix and match–Fleshcraft and Condemn).

Buffing B legos to B+ legos isn’t very exciting to me. (And they can’t outright kill BiS without backlash–soul ash timegate makes lego crafting an investment).

More conduit slots and more conduit powers. Legendary builds should be multipliers off their effects, without relying on constant tuning (because the %s on conduits change with level, whereas lego effect is static–they will never stop tuning legos).

I saw a 12k MS with all dps cooldowns and the new condem leggie. Took the war forever to setup in PVP and it was 1 hit only. Not constantly game breaking but definitely something that adds more burst to the already bursty meta.