TheChubHub is looking to build our core for pushing keys and H raiding once we have a full team and pick times. Leaning towards 1x/week, 2x if progression Tue, Wed, or TH and Sat or Sun 8P - 11P start time but will be decided once team full. Our main focus is pushing keys as far as we can while keeping our jobs.
Most of us are 30+, few of us played together since legion. Just looking for chill people who want to push keys and potentially raid.
We are noob friendly as long as you’re willing to learn, let us know and we’ll coach you / get you up to speed. Other than pushing keys as far as we can, our raid goal is to clear all on H. Will push to mythic if people really want to.
Most of us are active on discord running keys or hanging out doing our own thing, so don’t be shy
Mainly horde but ally okay too.
Contact info:
In-game: /who chubub, OR Leiftank OR Zugk
Discord: OneSubstance OR fatguylaughin
Bnet: OneSubstance #1171