Theater troupe performance displayed on map becomes inaccurate at 5 minutes to start

For the theater troupe event at the Proscenium on Isle of Dorn, the indicator on the map will say “[show] starts at the top of the hour!”, and the listed show will always be wrong until 5 minutes before the actual start. This coincides with when players waiting at the location get the scenario startup with a 5-minute countdown.

Before the show corrects itself at that 5-minute mark, it always lists what last hour’s show was. It’s made it confusing to snag each unique one for the achievement.

EDIT: Okay this bug is actually completely backwards. The show displayed on the map icon is correct until 5 minutes before the start, at which point it changes to what the next show is intended to be. So for example, “Forget Me Not” was displayed until 7:55 local time for me, and then was replaced with “The Cruelty of Dornic”. However, the show we played was in fact still “Forget Me Not”.

While the hotfixes from last night claim that this was fixed, it still seems to be an issue as of this morning. We just did “The Cruelty of Dornic”, but the map icon’s tooltip says “The Thraegar’s Descent”. Perhaps restarts are required.

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