The ZM Model

Ion said in an interview that Dragonflight will be following the ZM model. And I approve, there are minimal demands on us players; we can get in and out and be done.

The ZM model worries me though in that there is minimal gold to be made. We have no Calling to ZM, our five quests offer three currencies: anima, cypher and gold; of which only one is gold, about 257g. On top of that, the LFR wing (which is the ZM model I think) now offers 92 gold and the Enlightened Paragon Cache offers zero gold.

So, there is the shift in the ZM model with less grind or time-spent on tasks on a daily basis. And, I think they call it passive gold, we will earn much less doing our daily activities.

Now, in our current expansion, the gold sink was the legendary system. I may have spent one million gold because I bought four different legendaries; the first was the best, then the covenant, then the two which needed new slots because I didn’t know about a tier system when I was making my first choices.

In ZM, there is a lot of chatter on the new Work Order profession system. For it to work, a lot of players have to be involved and the one thing that I know is that players will go to extremes for the best-in-slot piece and that the crafter gear offered will have to get better as the game moves along: so we will be pouring our gold into gear. Instead of a few players in the current expansion making an astonishing amount of gold, it should be spread out – if you want to time-sink into competitive crafting. It is the mini-game and many will play.

But, where does the gold come from that we need to spend on the crafted gear? The ZM model, that I see, is very minimal. That has me worried!

Of course, we don’t know really, the new expansion isn’t out. But, if we are really playing WoW-Lite as far as dailies and routine go … are we all semi-forced into the new crafting system? That is where the most hype is right now. I’m gonna be broke the whole time, I fear.

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I understand the worry but I imagine they’ll have some sort of raw gold input similar to the callings since a lot of their revenue relies on token sales. Just because ZM doesn’t have daily callings doesn’t mean every zone in DF will be 100% like ZM.


Which is why I’m stacking up on gold now. I’ve almost reached 400K. Which isn’t a lot for most people but it’s work in progress for me :slight_smile:


im…actually ok with this. 9.2 was one of the better patches the game has seen in a while. With that being said, just hope they can make it straight up more fun


I don’t approve. Because for casuals, the gearing path was done in two weeks. Korthia’s gearing system was much better for longevity and sense of accomplishment.

Don’t get me wrong, the Korthia system had a few issues— like the rank 5 research unlocking at the same time as rank 6. But that system kept us working towards a good goal.

ZM is not engaging. The system was worse than Korthia’s gearing system. There’s no real reason to keep killing rares. The mount/pet system is terrible. Pococrap is annoying.

Now… it does have some good things. Like treasures, because I enjoy hunting treasures, just like I did in Broken Shore.

Honestly, I’d rather see a mix of Korthia gearing system combined with Broken Shore/Argus style treasures and no more “go grind out thousands of a currency and get three extremely rare or annoying drops just so you can make a pet/mount!”

ZM had potential. But they rushed it. Sandworn Relics were useless at first. We didn’t get all slots to go up to the same ilevel. The Cypher system was a mobile game where we had to wait and do nothing while it researched for a week, which was ridiculous.

Now… I’m okay with the mix of dailies and WQs. And I like my treasure hunting. Though they could use a bit more things to try to get from them. The zone layout isn’t bad either. But it still wasn’t engaging. So I hope they plan on fixing a lot of things and never using a mobile game system ever again.




ZM was rushed but Korthia wasn’t? Have you even BEEN to Korthia lmao. it’s literally the maw with trees. It’s so clear that they didn’t even plan Korthia (rumors of it being a cut Drust raid which was scrapped so they rushily re-worked it into a zone). At least ZM FEELS like an actual zone they planned for

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Zone design is irrelevant to what I’m talking about. Did you even read what I was referencing concerning Korthia? Because it’s very specific. And has nothing to do with the zone aesthetics.

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ok well if you’re talking about gearing, it was absolutely terrible in korthia. But please go on to explain how ZM was rushed lmao

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The Korthia system was longer engagement time with higher ilevel and for every slot. Each piece of gear was upgradeable on its own without having to swap out pieces. With a few tweaks, it would’ve been perfect for the casual players who need a zone to be engaged with for an entire end game season. But the gearing system itself wasn’t rushed, was put together logically and the system worked well for long term engagement.

ZM’s system was a mobile game feature with lower ilevel, broken rares, almost didn’t even have Cypher gear, because it was supposed to use Sandworn gear only, and was a useless zone in a couple of weeks. Or are we going to pretend that Sandworn gear made sense before they added it into the Catalyst a week before the Catalyst launched as a last minute ditch effort to make it somewhat useful, but still awkward, because of its ilevel?

Nothing about ZM’s gearing system made sense, it was hastily thrown together and only now in 9.2.5 are they adding things that should have existed the entire time. Hopefully with more ranks to it, because right now, there’s still nothing to work towards as far as gear goes.

But please keep making snide remarks based off of your personal feelings of zone aesthetics.

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I think it’s less “rushed” as just intentionally designed to be depression inducing if you care about anything other than gear…

the rampant RNG of items, + a long grind, + the rep grind… it’s clearly designed to waste a person’s time till whenever 10.0 releases.

Zereth Mortis is rather barebones, and nothing screams this more than the fact that our biggest source of rep is from a weekly locked progression bar that the zone itself doesn’t really have enough of WQs/quests and objectives that actually count towards it.

Having said that, this does feel more like it’s by design than being unintentionally “rushed”. Or honestly maybe a bit of both? Probably both.