[The Year of the Scourge] Archive

Chapter 3
World Update

Allied Forces continue to use Binan Village as a base of operations in Kun-Lai province, Pandaria, while they forge ahead with their investigations into the new plague that seems to be afflicting many, and the unyielding crops and fields of the area.

Recently, an armed party went into the Ancient Passage to seek out those undead that were spotted there a few days ago. Upon entering the dark, winding cavern, the undead Pandaren, Yaungol, Jinyu and Hozen could once again be seen. This first wave was quickly dealth with, and the party managed to move on.

What was discovered next was surprising: a mining operation of sorts, with undead and infected locals chipping away at a strange, luminous ore in an open part of the Passage, with ruins on the walls and a large ceremonial circle in the center. A group of Cultists were chanting in a tongue known to none in the party, lead, seemingly, by a taller cloaked figure in the center. Dark magics coalesced and flowed throughout the room, reaching the Cultists, undead and infected and bouncing off the ore on the walls.

It must be noted that the cultists had also created a portal, which seemed to lead to the frozen lands of Northrend: snow and ice were visible, and a shattered sky loomed above, from what could be observed past the event horizon.

The partly engaged the cultists and undead, and a fierce battle ensued. Many cultists and undead were slain, yet some retreated through the portal. Only light casualties were reported from the allied forces party, with no fatalities. They have now returned to Binan Village.

The Year of the Scourge team have decided not to host any of our events for the next week, so as not to interfere with the wonderfully organized Tournament of Ages. Instead, you may see us wandering around the Tournament Grounds. Feel free to approach us!

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Will delete this later.

World Update:

It is being reported by scouts this morning that Crestfhaven Village, in Elwynn Forest, has fallen to the scourge. The land within the area has been scorched, and parts of it blighted.

No survivors, or remains, have been found.

Citizens of Elwynn Forest are advised to be on high alert. Armed caravans will offer refugees passage to Stormwind City.

Be vigilant.

Next event: This Saturday, August 14th at 5pm WrA time:
Halfhill, Valley of the Four Winds (Pandaria)

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Looking forward to the next events!

Is the hill half full or half empty?

After taking a break to enjoy the Tournament of Ages, Year of the Scourge is back at Halfhill! Come join us as we defend the Valley against the Scourge!


Two more days until our next Year of the Scourge event!


Invites are going out now! Whisper Beloran-WyrmrestAccord (Horde) or Vadinnar-WyrmrestAccord (Alliance), or search for YotS: Halfhill in the group finder for an invite!


Thanks for the event!

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World Update

Allied forces arrived and congregated at Halfhill after running various operations in the region for the prior week, assessing the state of villages, farms, camps, and so on in an attempt to stem the flow of infected within the Valley and beyond.

From an early assessment, Halfhill seemed especially vulnerable. A crossroads to all points through the valley and ultimately beyond, a nexus where goods were sold in markets and farm produce processed and dispersed. Immediate measures were taken to fortify and secure the village, creating improvised defenses based on what was available.

Finally, as the sun set behind the mountains and storm clouds brewed in the west, the Undead struck. A horde of hundreds moved from the west, quickly swarming the lower levels of Halfhill. Our forces held the line, utilizing improvised weapons and explosives to whittle down the coming forces, allowing fighters to take out the rest. Such only lasted so long, however, as the Scourge were bolstered by a force of Undead Mantid and were eventually overwhelmed. The defenses around the Inn fell, pushing the forces to the higher ground at the center of Halfhill.

In a last ditch effort to attempt to control the battlefield a massive improvised explosive within an equally massive pumpkin was detonated. While the remaining Undead were vanquished in the huge explosion, the inn was nearly destroyed between the explosion itself and the large tree at the heart of town that fell onto the structure.

Victory was in hand, only to have a final challenge put before our forces as a gargantuan Kunchong Undead besiege the town. Casualties were high, but the creature was eventually vanquished as our forces hacked at the creature’s legs and used improvised explosives to blast at the beast’s carapace.

Meanwhile, scouts report that a caravan carrying safe and healthy food supplies from Mulgore to Orgrimmar is now three days late, and presumed lost. Citizens of Orgrimmar are asked to share any food they know to be safe.

Our next event is this Saturday, August 21st at 5pm. You will not want to miss this one!


Through our combined might, the Scourge

won't have a keg to stand on.

See you guys this Saturday for our Pandaren blow out!


We’ll be getting together in one hour! Message Vadinnar-WyrmrestAccord (Alliance) or Axiann-WyrmrestAccord (Horde), or search for YotS: Stormstout in group finder! See you all there!

EDIT: I got a bit delayed, so Axiann will be the Horde contact!

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If I haven’t been involved in previous chapters, can I come along? I’ve only returned to WoW recently due to Shadowlands being Shadowlands, but I’m really interested in this event series

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Yes! Feel free!

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Cheers haha! I showed up in the end anyway


Hope you enjoyed yourself!

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World Update

Having secured Halfhill, the allied forces pressed on to the Stormstout Brewery after scouts had reported that it seemed untouched by the scourge on their pass through the area.

These reports were confirmed. A scar in the land clearly indicated the path used by the scourge as they moved from what appears to be the Dread Wastes on their way to Halfhill days ago. The path runs right by the Brewery, which had apparently been untouched, at first glance.

Further investigation revealed not only that recently brewed ale, destined to be shipped to many parts of Pandaria, were plagued, but that the workers had been plagued themselves, turning them into mindless drones, working away without any control or free will.

The entire Stormstout Brewery has been compromised.

The barrelled ale has since been destroyed, and crates featuring other clues left behind by the scourge have been entrusted to the Sunreavers to decipher. An enraged Alemental, coalesced before the party, attempted to thwart attempts at securing the area, but it was eventually vanquished.

Allied forces are preparing to move west toward the Dread Wastes, and requests any and all available champions join them on this quest.

**Next event: **
Saturday August 28th at 5pm!


It’d be a…

dreadful waste if you couldn't come.

See you guys this Saturday for our Dread Wastes event!


An urgent letter arrives for Axiann, carrying with it a Kirin Tor seal, yet the parchment and even the very ink it is written in appears more crude in quality, clearly having come from Orgrimmar. . .

( Check your mail, Axiann! :slight_smile: )


Tonight’s the night folks!

(Zogdor, I got your message and replied!)


Not long to go now! A little over an hour before we start grouping up! Look for custom pre-made group YOTS: Dread