The year is 2024

The lich king has fallen, Wrath of the lich king was the most successful Classic experience Expansion

its blizzcon, J Allen Brack steps on the stage to talk and Hype Cataclysm Classic, the lights go down, the trailer starts …

Deathwing speaks:
“pain… Agony… my hatred burns through the cavernous deeps…”

black screen

— Blizzard Entertainment presents —

Back to seeing deathwing . BAM music stops

Chromie steps in:
“Ho, you thought we we’re gonna let this mess happen again ? /laugh”
“Not Today”
-Pushes a big red button that says “NOt CAtAcLySm”

Black screen again

into a brand new expansions trailer, Storyline diverts away from everything we know.

the crowd goes nuts , blizzards stocks Skyrockets to never seen heights, the masses that ditched for FF14 come back on their knees asking for forgiveness, world peace finaly comes.

Zoom out, we see Bill Gates speaking with the former devs of OG wow

“We did it boys, We did it” - a tear in the corner of his eye

Screen slowly fades to black, hearing soft music

Credits start rolling


Sounds good bro


Yeah, nahh

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All this hate for Cata, it wasn’t perfect but I rather enjoyed it.


world of warcraft: the good timeline


More like…

The year is 2023. Ruby sanctum has been out for 3 weeks. The players are demanding…more.

The players are chanting “We. Want. Cata!” over and over.

And blizzard will give it to them

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yes, definitely,

the 50 000+ players still playing on wrath private servers compared to the sub 2k cataclysm players clearly show this is what will happen :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Even MOP still has more players playing it


Personally I will stay in wrath forever given the choice.

But I’ve seen it happen time and time again.

Classic is the “tbc waiting room” because the game sucks right now but gets good in tbc

Tbc is the “wrath waiting room” because the game sucks now and it gets good in wrath.

I guarentee you there are players among us who are just playing wrath as a “cata waiting room.” They won’t make their presence known until the end of wrath though.


Classic plus bro. The vast majority of the wow community wants classic plus.


Hell yes. Blizzard you have my permission to do something like this




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Then why has the vast majority wasted their time with tbc-soon-to-be wotlk progression servers? Your ‘yes’ to The Dark Portal was a ‘yes’ to retail WoW. We could be playing novel Classic content RIGHT NOW had there been just a little more foresight.

They are already writing new crap with retail’s expansions. They will never do 2 different expansion paths for the same MMO. That’s just nuts.

did you remember the full 1 year of content drought they basically begged you to stay subbed by giving you diablo 3 for free and a tyrel pony.

Pepperidge farm remembers.

Also it brought in goel (weak thrall) to the storyline which sucked. I mean garrosh didnt go full evil till MoP so i was kinda ok with the new warchief as he acted like a true one but then of course we know how that storyline went.

thats why people want a fork of the story. we want good thrall , good garrosh.

yes lets fork the story. new game using wotlk as a base. things to do

  • bring in transmog again
  • add the ability to scale down dunegons to play with our freinds
  • player housing
  • make the warchief great again
  • custom emotes
  • wrathion is allowable
  • improved fishing game (make it fun)
  • maybe a toggle switch between hi-res and low-res (classic textures) so people can choose the style of the world they want
  • keep on making class tier sets
  • server faction balance systems.

No thanks. Classic+ starts in Era at Phase 7.


Naw wasn’t me bro that’s blizzard we never had any control over what they did. I voted classic plus on my email 3 years ago they gave us TBC instead

And you accepted it. Consider what the devs would be faced with if, on the day of tbcc prepatch, everyone chose to remain in Era.

sounds good, doesnt work

Blizz corrupted this wish so bad in live/retail.
Scaling is borked to hell. I don’t believe they have the inclination to fix it so sadly, because while it’s an awesome idea, I don’t want them screwing up Classic like that so I cannot support scaling in Classic.