Thanks. The tooltip is still ambiguous for me (what does “chance of other prizes” mean?) - I’ll try and find the article you’re referring to.
The box drops pets and candy and perfume. But only the rare items, aka mounts, are once per day per account. It’s really just right there in that tooltip.
i don’t think so…
you don’t have to try your alts but i will
You don’t think a tooltip and a news article by Blizzard are correct?
Can’t tell if these threads are all just willful ignorance or a failure of our education system.
I’m out. You were given the literal tooltip and factual information. I can’t do anything more for y’all.
cool~ 1 out from competition!!
Part of the confusion here also seems to stem from this being conflated with a new mount, Love Witch’s Sweeper, which may work differently.
As a general point it’s typically up to the community at large to collaborate and discover how these things work but if there is a need for clarification or a big change is coming, keep an eye out for official announcements (typically via Community Managers, or the website news/blog ).
Imagine players are confuse and you got this kind of response on EU forums too, so it’s not only confuse for NA region, there’s doubts in other regions too.
Here’s something else to make this clear as mud. These two screen shots were posted on Wowhead yesterday:
Then we have the EU CS rep telling us that we shouldn’t take a GM’s word as 𝚐̶𝚘̶𝚜̶𝚜̶𝚒̶𝚙̶ gospel.
So now I’m just all kinds of confused on what’s going on. My only contribution is I ran 20 level 80 alts and didn’t get the sweeper mount.
I’m not going to believe a ticket response when the source from the GM is wowhead.
Wowhead shouldn’t be the source when talking to a Game Matser. They don’t know what’s going on, and they’re only guessing.
Those screen shots are pictures from players that submitted a ticket through Blizzard’s system, not Wowhead’s.
Haven’t you ever submitted a ticket?
leave them alone…
they lose their yearly chance who care…
That’s exactly what I’m saying, the GM in those tickets are referencing wowhead, not their own internal database.
Blizzard now relies too much in wowhead as a source of information when it’s a third party, that’s what Lorelai means about the gm response. Instead of posting their actual forum thread / news.
I still say that first line …“Contains Love Tokens with a chance at other prizes.” That is telling me that alts have a chance at much lower drop rate then first try of the day…
No. It doesn’t. It’s telling you that’s where the pets, chocolates and perfumes are coming from. Those are the regular prizes you’ve got a shot at. Rare items are the mounts.
I’m muting these threads now, because I can’t handle the sheer amount of willful ignorance going on in these things.
Well, the first ticket doesn’t even mention Wowhead and the second just says for additional information.
The point of those screen shots is Blizzard is telling people two different things.
It’s probably true.
They don’t want people making an army of alts just to farm a mount you can queue for at level 16.
It takes almost no time at all to get to level 16
Yup, which is why i said.
You can que at level 10 for the run…I took in a lvl 12 and 13 yesterday…
Oh wow, didn’t realize you could do it at 10.
So yeah…you can just keep making new characters that start at level 10 and farm it all day long
Ok I guess I just misunderstood your point. Sorry.
The annoying thing is they were perfectly fine with us doing that for 15+ years and now that we have our alt farming army built for stuff like this, they jerk the rug out from under us.
And they don’t need to make this so complicated. Just put all the holiday mounts on the damn vendor for holiday currency.