The wyvern mount model is a cry for help

Seriously, can we get the old wyvern models updated? we even have the alabaster mounts with high texture to use as a base

I love the mounts, but it physically hurt me seeing then so out of the date. The great wyvern mounts are good but the old ones have a special charm to then, especially the different colors.

Its sad that griffons get so much love and wyverns are left to dust, you would think they would be more praised as the OG horde mount with wolves


Cheap low poly recolor with Spectral Pterrorwing effect. You only have to do the event 13-14 times for it though.

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There is an up to date Wyvern model, and thats why they wont revamp the earlier ones.

What do you mean? Aside from the alabaster ones the most modern gryphons are from the same time as the most modern wyverns. Those are the ones from Landfall in MoP. Unless you mean the lightning one from the tww collector edition. But that’s kind of its own thing.

There already is!

You need to complete Landfall in Pandaria to earn it.
It’s super fast with mop-remix atm.

There is multiple recolors of the updated griffon model, yet, there is none for the wyverns, we have the old fugly ones and the two from pandaria

There is not a single recolor for the greatwyverns

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Oh, my bad, I missed that.

It’s still odd the only update the old models get is in the cash shop. :moneybag::robot:

To be fair, the Wyverns don’t really have a big legend in the horde as much as the alliance to their Gryphons. I think the horde’s big legends are the Dragonmaw and Skyhorn with their Dragons and Eagles. :eagle::robot:

edit: …and soon the Stormriders with their Gryphons for the horde. :hourglass::robot:

If they keep ignoring then they sure will have not… they started much better in warcraft 3, since they are a race that willingly joined the faction because Cairne and Thrall helped then

they literally had more development and an arc, something the griffons didn’t had, but now? nothing

That is so bad, im honestly baffled Metzen thought it was a good idea to shove dwarves in the horde

The horde already has undead humans and elves. Something the Amani still despise the horde for. :robot::sweat_drops:

edit: Is it weird there aren’t more horde races in the alliance? :robot::thought_balloon:

elves were not alliance and humans were, well, dead.


Hopefully the horde elves and undead develop bigger characters in the horde for Midnight. It’s been silly how much Alleria and Calia absorb the race’s identity. :crossed_fingers::robot:

I mean like a general concept. Such as the alliance shares a new Tauren subrace. Or even share the Ogres. :world_map::robot:

A cry for help?? A singular cry for help?

I think we’re at Aldaran levels of cry’s for help that may not be suddenly silenced.

It’s from azeroth’s memories 20 years ago, so she remembers the old model.

she could have reminded him in a better resolution at least