The WrA FFXIV Thread

Just wait until they get to Heavensward.

For me, that was when I was shocked to find myself so invested that certain turns caused me to make THE ugliest noises


As mentioned earlier, the Nanamo plot is really when it kicks in. I’m not going to say any more than that.


I’m finally getting into collectibles and rare gathering nodes and stuff (I have an absurd amount of hours in this game and there’s still SO much stuff I haven’t even touched), and there is something deeply amusing to me about seeing 5+ people hovering around one specific tree or rock or whatever just waiting for the clock to strike so they can beat the crap out of it.

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Man all you people with your houses and stuff. I could barely afford a room in my FC’s huge mansion because I spend too much gil on fashion. I don’t exactly regret it though…


Fashion is a noble goal


funny martial artist man


Tonight’s observations from a Sprout:

Hit Level 30, so I bid goodbye to the goofy Refrigerator Armor as I also level up my Armorer in tandum with my Marauder to constantly be crafting gear for myself. This time around I spent more in materials than ever before (About half my Gil stockpile), so I’m probably done with crafting for the foreseeable future.

Wrapped up the Marauder quest and…I enjoyed it. A bit on the simple side but they built up the fight with The Mountain well that it was satisfying to finally beat the crap out of it.

Level 30 also unlocked FFXIV’s version of Ashran for me. First, that FFXIV has a version of Ashran and second, that it thematically makes sense and is set up sensibly with codes of conduct from all sides. A group fully realizing that there is a outside force that will conquer them all and not willing to just throw away manpower on pointless side conflicts ignoring the larger threats. Though there is something to be said about the inherent silliness of handling geopolitical politics by way of a game of fantasy paintball.

That said, the real world would be a much more pleasant place if we could just handle all conflicts with games of paintball.

Suspicion meter going up on the Scions front, as the two big Scions I have helping with the Sylth issue just barge in and almost ruin everything from the word “go”.

I got my first mount! I named him Vanndrel! Mostly because I was startled by the ability to name mounts.


You’ll be glad to know that you can dress up your chocobo mount as well as change the color of its plumage with the help of a free company (FFXIV’s equiv. of a guild) that has a chocobo stall at their guild house.

Oh, they can fight alongside you in the world, too, complete with talent trees so you can make yours a tank, healer or DPS.

I believe the quest to unlock your chocobo’s battle skills is located at The Black Shroud > Central Shroud > Bentbranch Meadows, but it’s been a while since I’ve unlocked that so any veterans feel free to correct me.

You’ll need gysahl greens on hand in order to summon your chocobo to battle after unlocking the feature.


Four more levels…

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Mildly ominous.

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I promise whatever you think is going to happen isn’t what’s going to happen.

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You don’t know that, maybe exactly what he thinks is gonna happen will happen

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Or all three, if you grind enough (and get some onions while you’re at it).

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straight-up i’m almost certain like half of the ones i see are botting

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Leave your name and server if you want us to hunt you down and drag you through dungeons kicking and screaming to maximize your fun in Eorzea.

Will do!

Listen, I might be desperate for friends since the RP bar / brothel I worked at closed up shop. I will hunt every last one of you down and we will have fun.


Eyes narrow suspiciously
That’s exactly what I’d expect you to say. Final Fantasy always comes with a twist. I don’t expect any different from XIV just because it’s a MMO.

Also I’m a Warrior now.
The fact my trainer is named Curious Gorge amuses me to no end.


In FFXIV, the characters don’t typically have crazy twists. That’s not to say they won’t change or you won’t learn more about them as you go forward, but if the Scions seem impossibly squeaky clean/altruistic, its not because they’re secretly plotting the end of the world; it’s because they’re naive idealists.

Also, keep an eye out in the world as you explore. Sometimes you find hilarious tidbits in the most unexpected places.


I’m honestly glad to see a lot more people trying FFXIV out.

Another friend of mine has been going through it, and he felt he started to burn out due to the MSQ being a slog between 1-50.

Introducing him to PotD (Palace of the Dead) immediately changed his tune and he’s been enjoying himself playing all the classes in there and seeing which one he likes the most before going back to the MSQ to play with that class (I’ve already warned him that he won’t have access to all the class abilities until level 30, but he’s reached the 40+ level in the MSQ so he’s just been leveling classes that way).

Needless to say, he was very pleasantly surprised to see PotD being such an early level feature of the game. I wish the beginning MSQ wasn’t so egregious for a lot of new players, but its stuff like PotD that keeps interest for a lot of players.


Preach. It’s an awkward space to be in that the most important part of the experience can be so… Dry…

But there are all sorts of distractions to smooth it over if you take the time to find em.


I love watching people go through SHB. It’s like I just got a friend into FMA waiting for the inevitable post-episode 4 meltdown.