Endgame (Ultimate) is Housing though. What’s your prog on that?
I got a house on Balmung
Orange parsed housing
Dear Diary,
Day 1 in FFXIV. I have no idea what I’m doing and I’m okay with it. Killed some marmots. Run a lot. Got lost in the city for 45 minutes. Lots of cool hats on other people. One day, I shall have a cool hat as well.
funny you should mention that
I struggle to put into words a very specific thought process because I know I’m not playing at big gamer tier but the fact that you can pick up effectively any class and understand the approximate rotation and do your standard output is just… It’s just so damn freeing.
You generate resource, you dump resource. I don’t have to play 4D chess to try and simulate in my brain if there’s a dps loss from using heroic strike here and wasting rage if my colossus smash doesn’t proc or trying to completely reinvent my ability priority because I have the Slam azerite trait.
I’m sure the hardcore sim chasing folk would tell me I’m crazy and the ideal stat spread and rotation output is incredibly difficult and specific but like… I’ll take something like finding space to weave in ogcds and making sure to line CD’s up with mechanics than Blizzard’s perpetually reinvented wheel every other patch.
It’s crazy. Raiding in WoW was:
Thokk, why do you only have 135k dps. You need at least 140k dps to git gud.
Whereas in FFXIV:
Boss HP = 0. Player HP =/= 0. Did gud.
The mantra to take to heart is “But did you die?” and it will carry you far
Ok all these screenshots are making me jittery. How the hell can you guys embed them? Do you all have rank 3 or what?
I was rank 3 but you lose it if you don’t post frequently enough to keep it. I’m down to rank 2.
So somebody - I think it was Thokk - found me on FFXIV. Even waved to me while I was buried in a cinematic.
I joined a Grand Company. Opted for the Maelstrom because well…Pirates are at least honest. Ul’desh feels a bit too “CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE BEING RESCUED. PLEASE DO NOT RESIST.” and The Order of the Twin Adders are a bit too altruistic in their recruitment. My eyes narrow harder then the Lutece Twins that turn up in those (And I assume by their clock paraphernalia they’re definitely time travelers. I suspect one will be evil. The male twin. He gives off the “Seymour from FFX” vibe. Elf or no, I trust no one who comfortably shows a tasteful amount of thigh meat).
Speaking of being unreasonably suspicious, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop in regards to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. A bit too aggressively altruistic for me to trust them completely.
The Grand Companies and their leadership are pretty clean but the cities themselves got their own sins in ARR: Limsa’s literally one and a half steps from being pirates at each other’s throats, Gridania’s leadership follows the whims of insanely fickle elementals who are more than likely racist as hell (the leadership or the elementals, your choice), and Ul’dah is where the rich get richer and the poor are tossed to the wayside.
Also that elf is 16.
DEFINITELY don’t trust a 16 year old comfortable with showing that level of thigh meat.
But in all seriousness, I forgot how…esoteric…Final Fantasy fashions can be. But I’m one to talk. A Marauder in Heavy Iron Armor. I’m a walking refrigerator with an Axe the size of my torso. Makes cinematics hilarious as the characters speak to the immobile hunt of metal and act like he’s reacted to ANYTHING.
Boy are you in for a fun ride
Ah beans. The girl comes preloaded with sub-bosses as her bodyguards. Completely missed that obvious tell.
I won’t spoil anything but please keep us posted. Watching sprouts go through the story is like the game’s official pasttime
All I will say is thank you for just advising me to focus on the MSQ instead of all the side-quests. It’s definitely increased my enjoyment of the game now that I’m slowly starting to close the aggressive overleveling that was plaguing me at the start.
Being a bit overleveled isn’t too bad. There will be a gap or two near the end of ARR where you might have to burn through some roulettes to access the next MSQ, so you might actually be on track.
Just don’t watch any of the expansion trailers, tempting though they may be with FanFest coming up.
I’m just gonna do it.
U’reisha Tahno on Balmung if yall just wanna add me or something.
I’m going in 100% blind to everything. Biggest failing I ever had with Final Fantasy back in the college days was after Final Fantasy X, I went backwards in the catalogue and caught general plot synopsis of the other games.
Final Fantasy VII? Literally stopped at the entrance to the final dungeon and never picked it up again because Sephiroth is a garbage tier villain that I had no patience to spank for the fifteenth time in a row.
Final Fantasy VIII? Got to the final disk, the Compressed World, and lost all interest.
Final Fantasy IX? Got to the part where the party is split and the game forced me to use a party comprised solely of those members I was deliberately NOT using, killing all my joy from the game.
Final Fantasy X-2? Got halfway through, and realized because I missed Yuna in the Moogle Costume in the game’s opening screen and didn’t talk to her there was no way to get 100% completion for the ending I wanted. Looked up the ending online and never touched the game again.
So yeah, I find going in blind with Final Fantasy helps me stay invested in the story, especially as I develop my own crackpot theories on things.
Thinking back on other Final Fantasy games I enjoyed I remembered that Final Fantasy Tactics Advance had an isekai plot so that guy RPing as Michael Cera wasn’t even breaking any lore