The WrA FFXIV Thread

Alright so:
Housing story.

Friend heard about a plot that had opened up and wanted to go see it in the shiny new Shirogane district. They get there, appreciate the aesthetics of the place, and get told by some dingwing (in summation) “F^&* off, I was here first.”

Our server DJ and grumpy cow, Valliac, heard about this slight to his friend, and as he already owned a house, went to that plot (where the timer didn’t end to make the plot available for purchase yet) and ran into the same dillhole.
So Valliac used the system to transfer his lot from The Goblet (Ul’dah) to Shirogane (Kugane) because even if the timer isn’t expired yet for purchase, you can move your house there for like… half the cost, iirc, and told the person to (in summation) “Get off my property.”

The person got mad and rage quit all because they were a raging buttweed to our friend.
Thus was the story of the house that petty built.


Not a great story.

Housing is simultaneously one of FFXIV’s greatest strengths, and more terribly flawed weaknesses.

SE needs to bite the bullet and give every individual player a privately instanced house they can invite others to. A small island, forest glade, oasis, etc… Make the plot Large, and allow players to pick a cottage, house, or mansion based on how much money they’re willing to invest into it.

Then leave the wards for FCs.


I feel like they’re in so deep with housing that if they suddenly switched to instance it’d probably piss off more people than it would make people happy.

More so because it’s less of a case of “I suffered already!” and more that people don’t really care about new players struggling.

It wouldn’t matter much to me in the end, but I can see the appeal of neighborhoods. It’s kind of nice to have a house in the same ward as your FC/FC members/friends/etc. But it’s such a hassle to get into housing, doubly so if you’re in an RP server where its basically a hot commodity of having an entirely new way to roleplay.

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I know what you mean. There’s this…feeling I get that FFXIV is much easier to write RP stories and background stories for. Much more open and much more widely accepted.

I can’t really put my finger on why though. It might be because big parts of WoW’s community don’t exude a lot of acceptance of different things or things that break the norm. Present server excluded, obviously.


So I’m currently trying to find the Enterprise, and I’m liking the little bit of having Alphinaud and Cid follow you from settlement to settlement.

Also I’m liking Alphinaud a lot more than Minfilia, oddly enough. Alphinaud reminds me of Wratharion though I honestly can’t say why, exactly.


I’d link my fic but it’s not family friendly like shadow of conquest kinda was, but yeah.

Whole agree.

I started off with an extreme dislike to all of the scions, but by the near end of Heavensward I found myself thoroughly caring for a lot of them and the new characters you encounter.

I must admit though I never started liking Minfilia and so far I still do not like her.


Her English voice acting doesn’t help

(Somebody help I’ve heard you can change languages?)

Yeah, her English voice is absolutely grating to me.
System Configuration > Other Settings > Language Settings/Cutscene Audio.

Be warned though, if you can understand whatever language you switch it to, they don’t say exactly what is written in the dialogue boxes.

…At least, when I changed the language to Japanese… the differences between what they were saying vs. what I was reading honestly caused a bit of a headache so I switched it right back.

i like my scion mom who keeps calling me for reasons
think i wrote something wild about her into my character’s backstory, like she knew her mom

Alphinaud probably has the most character development out of any character in the franchise, interestingly enough. That’s not to say other characters lack for development or that he steals the show the way Anduin/Sylvanas do. Just saying, you can look forward to more Alphinaud as you progress through the content of the expansions.

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‘One house per server’ wouldn’t theoretically stop anyone from signing up for the lottery on more than one character. FFXIV doesn’t actually have a system that allows you to share any sort of responsibility server-wide, so to speak. So there’s no system in place that would stop someone from signing up several times; it just means that only one of their characters would get the house, and after that all the others will be locked from owning a personal.

Huh so you can post on here without a sub haha. I dont know if any folk here know me but Ive been playing FF14 since I quit BfA prior to Dazaralor being released and have never been more glad for my decision. This is an MMO to definitely take time to get invested in.


huh i thought they nixed that

Nope, I haven’t had game time for a long time and I’m still able to post here.

Curious do we have a fellowship or Cross World Linkshell ingame? If not 'tis fine. I just rarely pay attention to WoW forums nowadays.

If there is one I’d like to join it as well to find all my old Wyrmrest friends!

I have finished the babby sprout guide


On another note more pertaining to the game (and somewhat related to WoW) I haven’t felt this hyped for an MMO xpac since BfA cinematic. For the crapshoot that was BfA narratively, the intro cinematic was toptier and held so much promise/hype (that was later let down). Difference here is that I know Square will deliver on the upcoming experience that is Endwalker.


I’m not going to lie, after my Bad Night in FFXIV a few nights ago I’m a little leery of continuing down the path of the Warrior. I enjoy the class well enough (and my Refrigerator Armor is lovely), but I’m not sure if I can handle the pressure of continuing to be a Tank - especially not if the MSQ continues to insist on throwing Instances into it as part of the progression.

I get that aversion to group content is a hangup on MY end, and my progress is going to shudder to a halt when I’m no longer a critical component to the group and rather just typical DPS…but if Longstop was a indication to how group content was going to be going forward, I’m just not sure if I’m up to the task.

The problem then becomes I have zero idea what to job shift into.