The WrA FFXIV Thread

Stealing this for my Viera! Everyone please reply with your favorite in-universe Eorzean beverage (can be alcoholic or nonalcoholic) and I’ll pick one to name my Viera after!


I believe the same thing happened with Hrothgar too. I remember reading that when the first ones came to Eorzea they could not speak the common language and they scared everyone they came in contact with until they learned how to speak it.

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Not directly beastly related but the DRK quest npc for Heavensward has some things to say about how some Au Ra were treated by the Temple Knights for the crime of checks notes looking kinda loosely draconic.

Turns out basically everybody kinda awful to each other on first contact.


Gridania is


SUPER racist


Gridania is a CULT.

It’s led by the Seedseers, a privileged caste of individuals whom commune with the elements that are the true masters of the Twelveswood. Gridania was incredibly isolationist and suspicious of the outside world, which is another element of cults (othering). Absolutely horrible punishments were given for the most irrelevant of crimes… I mean, in 1.0 a child was turn to stone by the elements for what amounts to, “stepping on the grass.”

All of the major nations are pieces of work.


another one.

samurai fulfills many things. 1.) red. 2.) red. 3.) rad


The only good elemental is a dead elemental. Change my poacher mind.

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As the resident Duskwight elezen, I can confirm that everyone hates the cave elves.


I’m no conjurer or poacher or what not, but elementals shouldn’t be involving themselves in the affairs of mortals to begin with. Yes, I’m well aware of what happened during the War of the Magi. People didn’t need the Elementals to form a theocratic dictatorship beneath their thumb to NOT drain the world of aether through white and black magic after the flood. Heck, even in Ul’dah where the Elementals have no influence, black magic is incredibly illegal.

I… I did not know this

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when do you get to visit the au ra homeworld i want to meet some lizards

Black magic is illegal everywhere. Technically, so is white magic; the only white mages other than the Warrior of Light are the padjal of Gridania, which are handpicked by the Elementals.



The Xaela and Raen both appear in the MSQ for Stormblood.

Like I said, Gridania is a cult, with an elite caste relaying the will of the unseen elementals.

They literally enlist newborns to grow horns and be their voice, lmao. It really is a cult no matter which way you slice it. And everyone else is just cool with it.

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Probably why I’ve ended up gravitating so hard to Lima Lominsa.

Firstly, I adore the city and its layout. It just grabs me in a way Gridania and Ul’dah don’t.

Secondly, it’s a city of Pirates and is open about the fact it’s a city of pirates. In the lead up to the Titan Fight, Y’sholda gets a bit lippy with the Admiral, pointing out Lima Lominsa was the one who violated the accords…and the Admiral admits it.

Sure, she doesn’t apologize for it either, but she doesn’t waste time trying to justify things either. She’s just like “Yup. We’re the ones who got ourselves into this situation. So are you going to help us or do I have to cosign several crews to being Tempered and then executed?”

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Y’shtola gives me life.

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She’s a bit of a brat, if I’m going to be honest. The Scions in general are kind of brats. Which is still better then when I was eyeing them as sinister agents of a greater evil.

Nope. Not evil. Just dumb. Painfully dumb.