The WoW token allready is in Classic

Before Classic was released, Blizzard stated the following:

Q: What is the stance on people trading gold from Classic realms for gold on BfA realms and vice versa? I hope this will not only be an unsupported trade, but actually against rules and a bannable offense.
If people can trade gold between the two versions of the game, then they can still effectively buy gold by selling a WoW token on BfA servers and then trading the gold.
A: There is no direct means for characters in BfA to transfer gold to characters in WoW Classic.
This would be highly disruptive for Classic as the economies of these two games are very different.

But token purchases in retail are going to have an effect on Classic.
Community Manager:

  • Eh that’s not really the same thing but I get your point. I’d argue that they’re still not connected even with that. Just having a subscription allows you to play the game. It doesn’t get you anything past that .

On multiple occasions, in interviews (TipsOut asked them specifically aswell) they said the Token will not come for classic.

4 month ago when the Token came to China, the community made it very clear that we do not want the Token in Classic. I cant think of a single classic wow youtuber stating otherwise, we were all united and against it.

Today classic goldbuying for retail token is daily business and its happening every single day on giant discord servers and even in the official wow forums and it is going on for months now. There are no Bans, nothing.

And all because of some GMs saying it was legal:
X___I have just confirmed with A GM that trading Retail Gold for Classic is allowed - #63 by Perl-anetheron

hundreds of gold and token buyers/sellers in discord:

hundreds of gold and token buyers/sellers in official forums:

And before anyone asks, yes i indeed have a personal agenda with this, typical good ol german:
I do not want the Token in Classic.
And i do not want retail millionairs skip any goldgrind in classic whatsoever with their retail bank.
And all of that bullcrap is going on right now.

And i specifically and honestly ask you: madseasonshow, tipsout, vaulty, staysafe, asmongold, all of you made it very vocal and clear that you do not want this aswell…
Where are you now?


too bad. like why make this thread? you have no control. the best thing you can do is stop watching youtube vids stop reading forums and just play the game and pretend its vanilla.

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Classic was never going to be Vanilla. Muscle talk though? At this point quitting is probably the best step. The game doesn’t have any muscle left behind it and will just atrophy as time goes on. It’ll end up the same as smol muscle retail no matter what with the weak leadership as it is. It’s unavoidable.

The sheer amount of players that are partaking in this retail-classic gold trading tells you that there are a substantial amount of players who want to buy gold, in some fashion. There’s obviously a lot people who would say yes to the WoW tokens.
Blizzard may implement it at some stage given the demand.

Then what would be he difference between buying two tokens vs buying one time card from a store for your MC/BWL/Ony carry? For all intents and purposes, they are the exact same trade.

Back in the days this was a bannable offense: X__
Also by allowing goldbuying for retail tokens there is no more inhibition.
If it is not prohibited there is no more barrier.
It is normalized thus more and more people do it, because there is no risk of getting banned anyways.

If this whole matter does not stop, i sure will. Classic with goldbuying does not make any sense.


Sadly, you have to slaughter the gold buyers by introducing the token or going “Full Private Server” and offer a Pay To Win Shop.

Why do all of you treat streamers as some kind of absolute opinion for everyone playing this game?


Introducing tokens increases botting and does not get rid of gold selling. All gold sellers have to do is undercut the market price. And with tokens they don’t have to steal accounts. Tokens just allow botters to bot without even having to pay a subscription.

Tokens solve no problems. They’re just there so Blizzard can charge $20/month instead of $15.


Then WHY is NA seeing this spike immediately after the token came to Asia Classic?

NA servers were the control group that saw the spike. Asia was the experimental group. It only has “face validity” so far and reliability isn’t measured, but the result is pretty damning.

Can’t list a token on Classic AH or buy one there, so no, the token is NOT in Classic.

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Yes. And we can see the results of the WoW token in retail where bots are running rampant.

As I said, the token doesn’t fix anything. It’s just a way for Blizzard to make more :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:


i feel the same way. i already feel disconnected to the game because there are so many people in it that do stuff i dont think belongs into the game… world buffs, instance farming, goldbuying, accsharing… its gettin out of hand imo. i dont want to support such behaviour so im looking out for more oldschoolish games where this kind of stuff is seen as a dickmove.


but…you can just buy retail token, sell for retail gold, and buy classic gold with that retail gold?

So effectively you bought classicgold for token.

Yeah the casual player is kill here. Any scenario it’s like welp okay. Whatever