The WoW Summer Sale is Here!

An extended sale is still one sale

It seems like you conveniently left out when they gave Shadowlands for free to anyone who had ever purchased a game license. I even got the mount for taking part.


whiteknights here working overtime for free.


Diablo 4 pulling money away from WoW.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


everyone buying those 25 dolla skins!


Im all for sales. Todays financial climate and all… If someone likes something and can finally get it then cool.

It is already high here in CAD as it is.


Awww, you’re so cute! You mean the summer sale they have done for over ten years now? You’re adorable.

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The only sales worth noticing/reaching for a credit card are the “services” sales imo

But also… they used to only hold these big sales like once a year - it was sort of like “a rare treat”. Recently though they’re doing “sales” like every 3 months it seems like, it’s pretty telling :joy:


Blizzard are panicking, the optics of looking this desperate are not good…


Shadowlands caused irrepairable loss of trust in the dev team though, some folks are NOT coming back or else they would’ve by now

It’s not just the regular/everyday players either, a good chunk of the “WoW” streamers in my feed/the side-bar on twitch have either switched to other games (especially) or play WoW way way less (…very infrequent streaming now, compared to them “daily” streaming a few years back)

At least during BFA the WoW section on twitch was still buzzing with activity, for a “bad” expansion I never ran out of active WoW streamers to watch


If D4 is on a 50% discount within the first year, would we call it a failure?

I honestly feel that the heavy discount policy does show that DF may have not worked out that well. Personally, I do believe that giving it for free to those with a sub anyways, would lift the population a little bit.

Because even if it´s on a 50% discount, a returning player would still need an additional 13$ to actually play the game.

It´s all a bit of a shame, I am sure the Dev´s worked hard on the Expansion, it´s heartbreaking that it underperforms.

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I lost trust in the development team because of Dragonflight alpha and beta testing. The amount of feedback ignored during class development was abysmal. That is why you see so many class overhauls every single patch. Even during these overhauls, the development team makes no effort to indicate they are actually listening to player feedback.


Yep lol. Tbh the only thing I have liked about DF was being able to fly right out the gate. Endless currencies grinding needed for just about everything pretty much burnt me out on DF. Might grab the diplomats mog set with the sale, because I like the hat, but other than that meh.


Note that Shadowlands and BFA were both very poorly received in general. DF being unable to secure good sales is the result of the players being fed with having to stomach 4 years of terrible expansions. DF also never reported the sales of the expac. Literally vanilla wow and every expac afterwards reported sales without never skipping on the report part. DF is the first expac to not do so, and it has been confirmed it sold less than shadowlands and BFA. Also correct me if I’m wrong, but pre-BFA expansions never did a 50% discount if that expac was released less than a year ago.

Sure, it’s a summer sale but it’s pretty alarming when a game that’s still less than a year old is already so heavily discounted. DF despite looking to correct the mistakes of last 4 years is struggling to sell. Let’s hope good word of mouth can rectify it.


This is ultimately a consequence of their own hubris. They themselves had a nasty stinker with BFA, and Shadowlands only tripled down on everything wrong with BFA. This game had for the first time 2 terrible expansions in a row, and the sheer arrogance of the lead dev as well as the head writer of wow outright destroyed player trust and desire to play wow or even care. Example: the first year of shadowlands with the gated covenants, the badly designed choregast and the alarming lack of content that 15 mins total of padded flight paths between zones to turn in a emissary couldn’t mask.

It reminds me of what happened with the original telltale games before they closed. The players were clear they needed to do better, innovate their games and take feedback into account. The company pretty much doubled down on it, and only after the catastrophic failure of batman: the telltale games they started to genuinely change their ways and make better games, but most people already moved on and were unwilling to go back to telltale games. It was too little, too late and the end result was the closure.

Here DF is the culmination of “yeah, after 4 years of releasing terrible expansions and making the game unfun and a chore to play, we listen to feedback and produce a better game”. If this expac came right after BFA, it could have undone the damage and bring back tons of players. Instead, the expac couldn’t sell because of the damage they already did to the brand. I know a few friends who refused to ever return to wow after what the head writer did to Arthas in the final shadowlands raid. One of them even said that short of removing shadowlands from canon, the chances of him returning are zero.


Is WC III reforged worth getting? Or is it still a terrible mess?

I’d like to play it for nostalgia sake but still hate how poorly managed the whole debacle was.

I disagree that we can blame anything on “devs”. The people who do the planning that results in the game we get are not the ones that turn their assignments into that game. Most game problems are management problems. In any and every game. Even if there were devs not doing their jobs as assigned, it’s still a management problem to find inefficiencies and deal with them.

Are you referring to our illustrious game director? He’s not actually a dev.

I would guess that prior to Dragonflight, they decided they needed to do a better job of serving their core audience, who they decided were players who do heroic raiding and spam mythic+ dungeons. They actually did a great job of catering to these players, who bought the expansion and were very happy with it.

Blizzard was less successful convincing players who didn’t want to play that way to buy the expansion. So sales numbers were down, but retention of those who did buy it was up. I hear they were surprised a lot of people haven’t come back. I don’t think many players bought the expansion after the trials. I can’t tell you how many times I heard Bellular say, “The game is great now. They shouldn’t change anything. People will start coming back soon.” They’re still trying to figure out why players like me who haven’t bought it don’t want to buy it and start grinding renown. Maybe they’ll figure it out, but given the current development trend, I doubt it.

I understand they’ve put some work in on it. Everything I heard about it was second hand, reported by people who had not themselves had any desire to play it.


The irony here is nobody is gonna buy it and then later complain on the forums and crying about it. It goes to show that people on these forums is all talk and no action.

Just like oh I am gonna wait till 10.1 to see if it gets any better and then later say the same thing I am gonna wait till 10.1.5 or whatever. these same people are just all talk and just hoping that the game would fail to appease their views.

It’s hard to understand what you are trying to say here. I’m not sure what sort of action you expect other players to take. We all sit on our butts in front of our computer screens, wasting away our lives. Including you.

I see you’ve added a paragraph about people who will never be satisfied by the game, unlike you, who will never be satisfied by other people. I’ve unsubbed and don’t expect to be back after my gametime runs out. Was that what you wanted everybody to do?


People from China and Russia: ok

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