The wow icon not fitting the new macos design

the wow icon and icon doesnt match that whole “square with rounded edges” look.
thats kind of a shame considering its actually an app that runs native on m1 too.

anyone ever bothered to fix it? because I know you can make shortcuts and stuff but even when I googled I never found a different icon

It’s nice to see a few programs still using the old icons. IMO Apple made a bad call there; instead of making Mac icons looks like iOS icons, they should have gone the other way & made iOS icons more like the Mac. And it was disappointing to see how many developers followed Apple’s lead - my dock used to be fun to look at, now it’s monotonous & boring.

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This, i miss nice looking 3d icons. flattening everything on desktop was wrong direction.

What’s weird is I have the beta branch and no flat icon. I guess it doesn’t show up as iOS-ish unless you’re at or above a certain macOS version?

no wow does NOT match macOS iOS conventions, the op thought it should, and two of us disagreed

Ah, my bad. Misread. Also, forgot to pay attention to the person posting. They’ve been on a troll spree here lately.

pretty rude to make a mistake then follow it up by accusing someone else of trolling, esp for a question like this

Icon is also just flat out larger than the rest.