The Worst Grind, Ever; Blood of the Enemy

The easiest and fastest way to get Blood of the Enemy is during the Bot Brawl week. Me and another Guardian were running these with an organized group. We would get the 5 cap and push the bots into the starter GY and then we would alternate Anime pops on the group. You just need some attentive healers because the bots will hard switch on you. Matches took about 3-5 minutes on average that honor flowed. I think that we got about 15K honor in a weekend.

You can win without those.

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but without skill you can win with them against someone who does have skill. that is how corruption has fundamentally broken pvp as a game. skill helps, but atm pvp is no more skill based than mario party or candy crush.

Eh I disagree.

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of course you do :wink:

Letā€™s put this into perspective. You do a lot of epic BGs, right? Probably win a lot since Horde. Now do you think Horde win a lot because of corruption? Nahhh, Alliance have been losing those before the cloak came along.

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you could point to the cloak helping alliance though, corruption causes lag (because cheap devs canā€™t code right), lag tends to help alliance with the hangar fight in IoC.

but again, a 10,000 foot view of the battlefield isnā€™t really the issue. say you are in a 2v2 match over a flag, corruption matters there, who has what, how much, and if it procs at the right time or not. all of that is RNG. from who gets what corruption in terms of drops to who wins depending on if that corruption procs, small scale pvp is entirely dominated by RNG now, not skill.

let me give you an example, i got killed by a DH, granted they are OP atm, but this one wasnā€™t even particularly any good, he just had so much leech and leech % corruption pieces that it felt like hitting someone with two pocket healers. what do you do in that situation? oh right, nothing, you just die.

Not really. Maybe arena, since you just have one chance to kill or be killedā€¦ but not in BGs.

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Iā€™m going to have to nominate the grind to Honor Level 400 as the worst. I only did casual PVP for years and managed to reach level 67 after Legion (taking all my alts into account when they were combined). I started it up again when Korrakā€™s Revenge came out.

As you can see by my guild, I collect pets. Whoever thought having pet rewards at level 400 was a good idea is clearly not right in the head.

My God this sucks.