The worst feeling is logging in and wanting to play and realizing the game just isn't fun anymore

OP I feel your opinion completely, I’m the same way. As times goes on it’s the lack of motivation in wanting to play. My RL GM of my guild is always like “Offline for this many days…?” Thinks i’m playing other characters and stuff, when in reality i just don’t find interest in many things anymore to sign on. Tbh it kinda annoys me because he can take all the breaks he wants and i never complain, but then he expects me to log on and play or he’ll assume i’m playing on some different server.

In example yesterday and today i’ve had all day to myself but it’s like i gotta push myself to log on and play. Then after that, it only lasts for 2-3 hours and it’s back to being burnt out.

Tell him to stop being so clingy.

Yea ikr, I think it’s more of just a lonely feeling of signing on and not having anyone to chat with lol, Me personally idc, i’ll sign on and just keep to myself and not get lonely at all… Actually lots of people have that issue. It’s like they NEED TO CHAT and be involved in stuff to have fun or else they say “Well nobody wants to play with me anymore. im done playing” lol

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Yeah, that said I do miss the sense of server identity that was lost with CRZ.


I’ve been through that multiple times, a tough lesson I had to learn is that the past is the past and it’s never coming back. I’m sure you still keep in touch with some of those friends anyhow.

Honestly, if you still want to play this game and your old guild is dead then just leave it and make new friends, otherwise the game is going to feel empty and lonely and that is not a fun feeling.

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They aren’t really taking the game in any direction at this point. BFA was just a low-budget version of Legion with uninteresting lore.

And then you have the BfA wall of shame like the utter failure of war mode and whatnot. I think those things worked out better in their minds during planning.


Listen to some of Kevin Jordan’s discussions. He’s one of the 3 original game designers. He gives very good insights into game design and it becomes very clear quickly where retail took some wrong turns.

He needs to take a break from the game and come back if and when the designers have decided that making a fun game to attract more paying customers is more important than milking those still addicted for a sub, until they realize some other game would be more fun, you mean?

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Shame to hear it, but people grow apart from their passions.
I am surprised to hear that you took a break, returned, and are still feeling this way though.
Not sure how long you have been back, but frankly if in that time you haven’t enjoyed ANYTHING enough to want to log in and do, then ya, the game and you are no longer compatible.

For me, its the opposite. 8.2 has been such a slam dunk of a patch that I am having to force myself to not play it just to avoid burn out.

If I even look at the Blizzard launcher I immediately log in and just spend all day doing random stuff that I might have never considered in the past.

That’s not to say I love everything about the game, but if at any point a game this big ever made me not interested in a single bit of it, I would have to think its just as much me as the game.

What more can Blizzard do!

I have heard this too; however, Blizzard has been fixing classes for the last 18 expansions, so my expectations are low-very low.

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Class design should be blizzard number 1 priority always, shouldn’t have to wait 6months into an exp to see changes to classes or in some cases a new expansion, its not even a joke anymore , their whole philosophy on class changes is disgusting. Lets not even mention all the feedback in Beta.

Id even bet that they don’t have DEV dedicated to each class full time. so sloppy for a company like Blizzard. Billion dollar company and they can’t allocate more resources to the most important aspect of the game.

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No because u play a real toon whats a rogue lol and a daemon hunter

I’m loving bfa.

Feel the same way, i am with 17 alts at 120 and doing old content.

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If you’re not doing M+ or raids, then yeah, you could easily get fatigued at the tedious content. I would have quit WoW many years ago if not for raiding.

yeah that’s about what I’m doing except for I go play Skyrim or civilization 6.

I wiped 102 times on Ashvane man that was exciting an when we killed Ashvane after over 100 wipes I got nothing …

Fair point, she does seem to be a brick wall.

I think a progression is a progression though, and regardless of a loot drop it puts a smile on my face every time we break through that wall.

I feel you man. I feel similar … i have quite some Alts that i used to play. But right now the thing sucking out my fun is World Quests. While they very good to gear up Alts to a certain iLevel … it gets old(and super boring) very fast to log onto one toon, check the World Quests if they got some Item upgrade … and then hop onto the next toon. So boring actually, that i not bother to go on with alts.

I am down to playing one Character atm … and that one i not really enjoy as much as i would like to. I feel forced to do certain content for the Essence sake … this is as bad as running around in Warmode on for the Bonus … not for the thrill to being able to attack others or being attacked by them at any time.

I recognize this feeling well. I enjoyed Legion but something about BfA just feels… off. Like instead of wanting me to have fun Blizzard just wants to find as many ways as possible to get me to play as long as possible and I don’t have the time for that.