In my opinion Isle of Conquest has to be EASILY the worst bg currently in game. A majority of the time half of your team has no clue what to do. Basically whoever gets hanger first and holds it wins 80%+ of the time, and to top it off nearly all of the achievements are bugged making the meta near impossible. I’d love them to give them the deepwind gorge treatment and modernize it and streamline it, or even better, Remove IOC and give us back SOTA.
seething shore is the worst bg, IoC just needs numbers tuning or a way to break the airship. afaik the achievements work just fine.
i agree screw ioc
The worst BG is whichever one I’m currently losing.
Oof! I actually love Isle of Conquest. That and Alterac Valley are the most nostalgic for me. My least favorite is either Seething Shore or Battle for Gilneas.
For me AV is extremely boring its only fun if you can force a turtle, otherwise its just a “zerg to the final boss and ignore the enemy team” BG.
Wintergrasp by far. All the rest I like to see on occasion.
Me and my friend that play together alot automatically AFK Seething Shore alot of the time and go outside and get food instead.
I instantly afk out of seething shore.
Temple of K. Only saving grace for this one is it’s fast (and always lopsided)
Seething Shore is the worst, trailing closely behind it is Temple of Kotmogu.
Delete seething shore from the game, make kotmogu 99.9% chance to pop every time please
Focusing on epic BGs:
IoC is not fun when you have people who just don’t know the BG and refuse to learn anything about it or listen to calls. It sucks feeling like you’re outnumbered at every node simultaneously and then you look at the map and see at least 15 on your team literally just waiting at the enemy gate for something to happen. Otherwise I actually don’t have a problem with IoC’s inherent design.
The one I like the least is Ashran. It’s mostly just deathmatch with little opportunity to outplay the enemy if there’s a big damage/healing difference. It’s also extremely laggy, both in FPS and in server performance, and it has those god forsaken prison bubble things. I guess I prefer the gimmicky battlegrounds that require coordination and strategy like Wintergrasp v.s. just raw deathmatch like Ashran.
You probably just need a new computer.
- Rubber banding is a server problem, not a client problem
- I’m far from the only one who’s reported particularly bad performance issues in Ashran. They even reduced the count of each team to 25 in BFA because of it; they’ve increased it again but it’s still 35 instead of 40 like the other BGs.
Temple would be it for me. Not that I dislike it per se, it’s just very frustrating. Lots of “get orbs” screaming in the chat, but no actual picking up orbs.
BG only: I vote seething shore. It’s like blizz said “they are tired of flags and bases… let’s make them mine!”
And the next comment was “Oh my gawd guys!!! We can make another one that makes them cook”
Then they all cackled maniacally and the bg I hate the most of all was born… the Brawl “cooking impossible”. But at least when you do win, you get super outdated materials that wont sell on the AH.
/shrug…haven’t seen lag anywhere since March when I upgraded.
I’m happy for you and your new computer, but this is a really weird way to flex it. Ashran absolutely has known performance issues, not even just client-side ones, to the point where it lets less people in on each team than the other BGs.
Not flexing at all.
Oh and btw, all your links are from the EU forums.