The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well

At the top. Maybe not. The row that shows who posted isn’t there.

This is a good idea in theory, but it could really hurt roleplaying forums. I like the rest of your ideas enough. I’ve never understood why the ignore system isn’t for a whole account.

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It doesnt show people post count anymore after we hit 10k. Used to be we can see it just under the OP

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That’s why I can’t really do what people like Muffin do, where they clean their Ignore out now and again to give people chances to not act like clowns. Usually the behavior never changes, and I have better things to do than deal with the mental degradation trying to read through some posts will give me. :sweat_smile:

Also boy, I left for 2ish hours for movie, only to come back to yet more proof to never take bad faith actors at their word when they say they’re ‘leaving’ or ‘muting’ or ‘ignoring’, apparently!

Btags soon, Blizz, please and thank you! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


What movie ?

Rebuild of Evangelion, 2.22 You Can(Not) Advance!

I am providing my friend with a comprehensive and compact injection of pure Depression and Existentialism that comes in the form of a mecha anime, because I love them that much. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_heart:

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possibly lol
btags now plz let’s find out!

they have a real reason, they don’t want you to see what they post on all their trolling sock puppets

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With the last forums, it had it, but because the forums made it easier for people to use sites to check for peoples alts as well, even with the options in the account settings to be disabled.

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Oh you actually are from Sydney i

That’s why although I wasn’t too fussed on this new forum to begin with, love it now…

More privacy.

And this is why BTags should be added. Because it actually gives everyone that real privacy, rather than allowing people to enter your circle uninvited, and evade that privacy.

Just because you think it is alright to switch alts and act like someone different, doesn’t give you the right to evade others people privacy with trolling others over things that should’ve never be bought to the WoW Forums in the first place.

I mean to put it this way, I’ll use this.

Through via the char-server system, I can message you without having to be friends with you. I can add you as a friend without you knowing, and even from adding your char-server as a friend, I can pin point the zone.

Now, with BTags, lets say you declined me as a friend, I can’t message you, I can’t even tell which zone your playing. And even so, if I were to send a friends request, you’d be notified of it.

In otherwords, BattleTags adds more privacy.


Which will be misused to lock out users for simply dis-agreeing with their click.

Right now we have an ignore function that, apparently no one is using properly having happily announced they’re using it.

Thats like waving a restraining order in someone’s face in an act of bitterness and not expecting a reaction.


What gets me is , all these antis think we will come find them in game to become btag friends so we can harass them .

Personally if I don’t want to deal with their asinine nonsense in here , there is no way I’m going to even consider asking to be their btag friend in Blizzard games.


This is more an issue of scope.

You can’t account for what everyone else will do if Btags are made more accessible.

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Lol… I’m still waiting for the “former gov’t worker” to get back to me on my cac card info.

(As former gov’t myself, I am lol’ing).

They never do what they vaguely threaten to do, or claim.

“If btags are on the forums people will get harassed!” - Disproven
“Btags will let people have your personal info!” - Unless you put your own name, no.
“Btags will enable personal infos to be found!” - See above.

…the vague threats, the lies, the online screaming in all caps, the sockpuppets, etc.

It’s all pathetic attempts in order for them to maintain their alt hopping trolling.

Enough is enough.

Yeah, usually. Every once in a while someone decides to get the head unstuck from a crevice, though.


If they found out my battletag, the fashion police would come and arrest me for having terrible transmog.

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So basicly not 1 can do anything w/ btag :wink: We have enough people here in his thread. On other thread, on the recruitment thread alone that has shared their btags. Guess what foxxy? Nothing happened :wink:


Yeah, acting like we’re willing to put our entire BNet account at risk for harassment and what not.

The thing that gets me more is that they act like they own there BTag, or own there entire account, when it clearly states in the EULA that they don’t.

Wait, we can equip transmogs with our BTags? Sweet, time to equip the worse set in all of the game.


You’re not other people in different circumstances.

You can’t account for every situation where making everyone’s Btag public will cause issues for users.

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