The World of Warcraft Forums should use BattleTags as well


Creating an echo chamber where elitists/veterans scare or intimidate anyone else off of for offering a different opinion for simply having a different playstyle that isn’t theirs.

Don’t bother with Arf , Ard and Lilithia .

I am honestly starting to think none of them could even spell truth even if they had spell checker enabled .


This just sounds like pro-taggers not being able to handle any opposition maturely.

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geezzz Ard how’d you say that with a straight face?



I there’s like what 3-4 gifs just related to me now?

Disrespectful harping just makes you look spiteful.

Know what will shut me up? An honest debate by showing us why you hate to have btags in the forums

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I doubt this.

So you got nothing to say huh? We’re back going in circles again :wink: I though you hate the circle


I’m not sure they could even spell Respect even with Aretha’s help

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we’re not talking about global cyber security here, we’re just saying that a blizzard “battletag” does not reveal any of a users private, personal information. Its just a name that the user enters followed by some rng numbers. Others have said its no different to an xbox gamertag or a steam id. You dont get real info from just a gamertag

Considering people are making the argument though that btags do expose sensitive data, You might want to go talk to them, get them squared away


Overwatch, Blizzard, Hearthstone, Starcraft, Diablo (immortal, D2, D3) forums said HI


I think I said before that nothing I could say would ever satisfy you.

Nothings changed.

because you have said NOTHING ard


It appears not to have stopped you anyway.

Coz you clearly dont want a debate. You’d think you’d be mature enough to actual put facts in a public forum to support your claim.


The one that matters is not everyone wants them.

…and it seems many here can’t accept that.

because we’re debating why we need btag on this thread which you seem to like to keep derailing.


I made my observations clear at the start.

Doesn’t seem far fetched given that the content of this post isn’t debating.