Hmm this is a thing. that’s really cool, actually.
I’m here today humbly asking the world for a Disc Priest on Benediction who wants to raid Sat + Sun 7PM ST to 11PM ST
We are a dual-team raiding guild seeking the last player in our established 10man. This is raid team 1. We have been a guild since the beginning of cata classic and have made huge leaps as a guild. We’ve gone through ups, downs, and we are overcoming odds while having fun. T11 was a time for us to learn and grow as a guild. Establish morals, friendships, and learn to lock in. Who can handle what mechanics or who’s talented in certain ways.
Starting in T12 we are raiding a little bit longer (prev 8-11PM), and taking it just that much more serious. A lot of my biggest challenges as GM of my guild stem from attendence and I am going to nip that in the butt so we don’t end T12 unfinished. We are looking for a new person who fits the vibe and skill level of our players
If you are interested in applying for our benediction guild please add my battletag #Shadow19231#1668 (yes, there is two sets of numbers. When i made it there wasn’t the # system) You can also add me on discord slimjimdrums all lower case.
Thank you kind friends