For what it’s worth I was shocked they bothered to add the portal from Boralus to Silithius when it was already a quick trip from SW to Uldum.
Kind of like the portal in SW to Boralus when there is also a boat in SW to Boralus.
For what it’s worth I was shocked they bothered to add the portal from Boralus to Silithius when it was already a quick trip from SW to Uldum.
Kind of like the portal in SW to Boralus when there is also a boat in SW to Boralus.
How about this as a compromise:
You can only use portals naked, like the Terminator. You have to go put all your gear and bags into the bank because Portals can only transport organic matter. Then when you get through the portal, you have to eat peanuts within 5 minutes or you die, but there’s always elite wolves guarding the peanuts that scale to your level. And you are naked. And afraid.
After every portal you find 3 randomly generated items on the ground. Like weekly affixes, but instead it’s what you have to get the peanuts and kill the wolves.
Like this week could be a broken fluorescent T12 4’ light bulb, a cabbage, and a betamax tape of Evil Dead.
How would you get past the wolves this week?
I’m sad that I find this more interesting than another world quest…
@Waidmann: Game over… you win. Lmao. This expansion is filled to the brim with RNG.
What this really boils down to, is that this is really one of the biggest problems with WoW today. The development team is taking far too many liberties in assuming they “know” how we want to and/or should play the game. Seriously, what’s wrong with choice? What’s wrong with putting the portals there for convenience, and the players who don’t want to use them, simply DON’T. Go enjoy your big expansive world we’ve all been through a billion times. I have limited time to play, and spending it flying from one end of the continent to the other to TRY (extreme emphasis on try, thanks the the extreme over-implementation of “rare drops”) to farm mounts or transmog from some old raids, is not my idea of fun.
why not do one better and use the old vanilla flightpath from org to Silithis that took so long it auto afked you. Perhaps Bornakk would be happier with that “lively” world.
How horrible, a game set in a world with all sorts of magic and mages who make portals…there’s portals!!!
Quick! Get rid of them!
Oh guess what classic is coming your way.
I say we go back to the travel system of classic. No portals, no flight and if you want quick travel you find a druid or mage to teleport you to the limited numbers of areas they could and then travel by ground mount.
That will make the world seem larger!
I preferred it when travel was done by boat. Getting to EPL, or Silithus, was an adventure and it felt, when you got there, that you were some place very out of the way (as indeed you were).
Fair enough, a portal to another dimension (Outland, both of em) but beyond that I wish we’d just go back to boats.
Do you guys not have mounts?
The world feels too small, reduce movement speed for mounts… just get rid of mounts, they serve no purpose.
Uphill! Both ways!
Why not remove portals altogether? Remember how much we all socialized on the docks while waiting for boats?
I always missed the boat.
… literally and figuratively.
I just threw up in my mouth reading this.
My favorite suggestion, the time played metric would shoot through the roof.
Why not add a lil RNG to your travels.
We can add in the possibility of a portalforge (with three random options) as well.
Will there be a check to make sure I’m not just AFK and waiting for the music to go away?
OOH we can also up the rng this way .
Flightmaster has a 30% chance to send you anywhere but where you selected
THIS!!! warforge your travels. You have a chance for your FP mount to get hyperactive and get you there in half the time. Or, on a rare occasion, your mount can sacrifice his life, run itself into the ground, to get you to your destination near-instantly (in quarter of the time). This would add excitement to your travels. I don’t even know if I am kidding. This is getting bizarre.
Well I didn’t know there was a portal to silithus.
I’ve been teleporting to my Legion class hall, taking the portal to Peak of Serenity, taking the portal to Org, taking the portal to Uldum and flying to silithus.
The last time I thought to myself how much better it would be if we didn’t have flying and I could ride a ground mount to silithus instead.
Could you also remove all but one spirit healer per continent please? Just think of all the reminiscing we are missing out on while being able to Rez in under 5 min (for the most part) - the glorious stories and strategies we could share while walking as ghosts across the lands…would just make world quests etc ULTRA DYNAMIC