From the release of Shadowlands expansion I saw many theories about the current expansion story, from the Winter Queen sister – where Blizz seems to put intentionally these clues for both Elune and Eonar to create a debate between fans/players – to Runecarver identity.
One of these theories, pushed by some people when someone ask why the Winter Queen loathes Bwonsamdi, I find it being a totally nonsense theory, and not only that, but undermine these characters too. Yes, it is about romance/exes theory, and I will enumerate some points about why:
We don’t have any clue that Eternal Ones are capable of romance. They are older than almost anything that we have seen, and if they were capable of romance, there was a higher chance to end as couples/consorts between them, like Eonar and Aman’Thul.
If they (Eternal Ones) didn’t want each other, then is worth to remember that these Eternal Ones not only created their realms, but they created native beings as well. The Winter Queen created some races like Faeries, Vorkais, Tirnenns, Sylvars, Spriggans and Marasmius. If she can create beings in her own image or likeness, why she didn’t created a perfect partner/consort for her and choose a former mortal?
If any of the first two points wasn’t an option for her, why she had preferred an opposite personality (even in real life these people with a personality like the Winter Queen tend to have naturally a negative opinion about these types of tricksters), with an physical appearence that can meld only in Maldraxxus, and is a servant of another loa? Seriously, Cenarius is a much better candidate here, he can blend in Ardenweald, both are connected to nature, both have antlers and they don’t have an opposite personality, even if it uncertain if she would resurrect him there if his home world isn’t destroyed (but Azeroth is Ysera’s home too).
The Winter Queens seems to like and respect noble and pure heart characters like Ara’lon, there is nonsense to like shady and tricky characters like Bownsamdi too.
As far as I have already seen, these Eternal Ones don’t like to discuss as equals with someone considered inferior by them, and a romance, even if she has the upper hand here, there are some moments where they need to interact as equals (lovely private moments).
These Eternal Ones are proud beings, they love to be worshiped and loved by their subjects, and we have seen already what happens when they stop to do that (Forsworn in Bastion, rebels in Revendreth), so is in her own interest to keep her image clear and perfect, and not to undermine it with a relationship with someone that stood angainst her and her own subjects values.
She isn’t based on Mamman Brigitte (Brigitte is a loa, btw, and we have already loa beings in Warcraft), even if some people (probably Bwonsamdi’s hardcore fans?) tried a forced connection due to syncretism with Saint Brigid of Kildare and goddess Brigid (that is associated with the spring, btw, and these last two were syncretized too in Middle Ages). The Winter Queen isn’t based also on goddess Brigid, in fact she doesn’t have a real life legends associated goddess, but it seems a combination between many others goddesses and rulers, like these from the Seelie Court and the Unseelie Court (also from here night theme in Ardenweald, Spriggans, Winter Queen), Shakespeare’s Titania (a very proud queen), leader of Wild Hunt from Germanic mythology (even if we have already Odin associated with Odyn in game, but Titans are also classified as Aesir and Vanir in Warcraft), Artemis (the goddess of wild animals, the hunt, and vegetation and of chastity) and Persephone (queen of the realm of death) from Greek mythology and so on.
She has favorite subjects* and reward them, elevate them in a powerful positions (her court members seems to be the most powerful beings from Ardenweald). It is stupid to keep a lover in that weak position, to be a servant of another loa, his power based on his worshipers and could be threatened by other loas (like Rezan) and in the same time to reward other favorite subjects.
Bwonsamdi takes advantage in any situation, he get always more from his deals that his counterpart, he knows bery well when something is in his advantage. How could these people can explain that Bwonsamdi can have a romance with someone more powerful than him that could elevate him in a more powerful position, posssibly give him some powers and made him no longer a servant of another loa, but instead he will throw that chance on the window like a total idiot? And then he is back and try to get some minor favors from her. Really, that undermine Bwonsamdi’s character development entirely.
Bwonsamdi’s line** about his love story came chronologically after we learn about him being originally a mortal priest. It is very likely to be a reference about his mortal life.
Bwonsamdi is not the ruler*** of De Other Side until we will not beat Mueh’zala with him in De Other Side. So the Winter Queen giving him a realm or a place for a door to his realm isn’t a thing.
I don’t understand how undermining two characters and some lore for a love story without value for current story could be a theory.
*Note: Enchanted Winterborn Runestag:
“Winterborn runestags are the favored mount of the Winter Queen herself, and she only bestows such a creature on her most favored subjects.”
** Note: Da boss quest and The Manastorm boss lines:
Mueh’zala: “After all me be doin’ for Bwonsamdi, raisin’ him from priest ta loa, givin’ him da power of Death… now he be usin’ it against me?!”
Bwonsamdi: Ol’ Bwonsamdi be havin’ his share of romance back in his day"
*** Note: Trading Favors: The Other Side from broker Ta’sul:
Ta’sul: “Mueh’zala is an ancient and primitive creature that commands a place known as The Other Side.”
Now for the most common theory about her negative opinion about him, a tricky deal that could have ended in his advantages and the Winter Queen knwe this and refused him, I have some puzzle pieces that I’m not sure if they could have a link or not.
Back in BfA, horde players had Soulbound quest where they have a deal with Bwonsamdi:
Bwonsamdi: “Ya might be worthy of a deal. Very well, I pledge ta lend ya me powers ta use against ya foes. In exchange, ya be sendin’ one million souls ta Bwonsamdi!”
Now that’s interesting because at this point all souls are already funneled into the Maw, why he will weakening his power to carry one million souls? And where to? For him or for someone else?
We have these lines in De Other Side:
Mueh’zala: “Where ya be hidin’ all dem Zanadalari souls, Bwonsamdi! Give 'em ta ya bossmon now”
“Me want dem souls, Bwonsamdi!”
For me that seems to be about Zanadalari souls, not about these collected by players. Do we have anything else about these souls and possible deals?
There is another interesting piece of lore:
Opulence Ba’hare: When power is coupled with desire, yes. But beings like the Archon and the Winter Queen want only souls. And that, we cannot give them. Yet."
And we also have some references about a possible deal with the WInter Queen in these quests with Bwonsamdi from SL:
Bwonsamdi in On De Other Side quest text:
Bwonsamdi: “but da Queen… well, she be too proud to deal with ol’ Bwonsamdi.”
Then in Deal for a Loa:
Elite Queensguard: “The queen has no interest in your “deals,” Bwonsamdi.”
Bwonsamdi: “Well suuuuure ya majesty, ol’ Bwonsamdi be glad ta give ya one a da souls him risk his neck ta save. And in return, all him ask for is–”
I don’t know yet if these one million souls are related with a deal that him are trying to make with the Winter Queen or not, these are all references that I found until now. Thoughts? Do you found any other references about that possible deal?