Communication is a huge Achilles heel for Blizzard. Has been for years and that is the feedback that the MVPs, and others have been giving them in spades.
I get it, the player base is abusive across the industry. Across most fandoms actually. Nobody is asking for them to roll over and do whatever is demanded, but providing some sort of statement saying they hear the feedback would be a start. If they are not going to make a change, at least tell us WHY they feel their decision is in the best interest of the game and players overall.
I really really can’t see a single reason to not extend the buff. None. If they can come up with a good one, I would like to hear it. Even “We understand this is a popular buff and people are enjoying working on alts, heritage armor characters, etc. While this buff is ending, we have other activities planned that will also boost XP in the near future”.
IF something like that was said, and TRUE, people would chill. Instead despite lots of requests, they say nothing.