The Whistle emote

I’m asking players this, have you ever been offended by someone doing /whistle ?

Directed at you or someone else did you ever feel oppressed by it ?


Nope, it usually gets a laugh, or starts a conversation god forbid that happens.


Me and friends would always do it when we got a sick new piece of gear or a cool looking transmog. Never because we were being creeps or scum bags to each other.


I’ve honestly never once used the whistle emote or seen someone use that emote aside from that one quest in Dun Morogh where you whistle at Rams to get em to come back.


Gotta make this game as PC as it can be before going freemium.

It’s not about what we think, it’s about what the scabs want.


Not oppressed.

But it did feel “gross”.

Same can be said for some of the other emotes, just the noise attached to /whistle made it worse.

Somebody’s gonna insult me for it, but the truth is… being an abuse/harassment victim really messes with one’s mind, thus the seemingly-absurd negative reaction.

People without trauma will never understand. The replies in this thread are proof of that.


In a video game bro?



The offended have no boundaries.


i was hangin out in teh throne room of teh undrecity n sum scrub wistled at my beatiful slyvanna so i beat him up in a dual


Never. This is what happens when they listen to toxic people just because they’re screaming about something in a video game. Those people are too cowardly to actually go places that have real oppression because the people there has no tolerance for their nonsense and will outright murder them so the complainers look for soft targets.


I find it hilarious that those who expect it don’t mind it, and those who know that it would be a cold day in hell before anyone would /whistle at them, only get that reaction because they play pretty pixels.

Never bothered me. My husband would /whistle when I my character would put on a new tmog. If strangers /whistle, I would smile or thank them.


No… Not once in my entire WoW career have I ever felt negatively about /whistle.

Heck, I feel more attacked and insulted by /rofl and /lol spam in PvP. /Whistle is such a non-issue that it does not even register as a blip on my radar!

Not one person I have ever played with has complained about /whistle either. Its legit such a non-issue that is up there with the people who make complaints like “People who can mount me in Travel Form/Passenger without my consent are assaulting me” (Which, yes. That was a real thread complaint made before)

This whole situation is legit absurd!


Not assault, but it is very uncomfortable for people to do that… if it’s a shapeshifting mount.

My solution is to avoid turning into said shapeshifting mounts, though.

Right click the ‘General’ chat window > ‘Settings’ > Uncheck ‘Emotes’.

Found your solution, time to move onto something else to cling on to.


I’m not sure what this has to do with turning into a mount.

Regardless, can’t un-check emote/say/etc, being on a RP server and all that.

Perhaps read my first post, instead of skimming it and melding with the echo chamber.

Fortunately not everyone with trauma falls under that blanket statement.

I never took issue with any of the emotes. My favorites have been the ones that ended up removed but then added back later. I always thought they were great. It’s disappointing to have the /whistle changed.


Are people just LOOKING for things to get offended by these days and just picking something random if they don’t find anything? SERIOUSLY. Call me crazy, but I actually felt complimented when I got a /whistle - especially when it was followed by a “Nice xmog!” or something. SMH.


It’s a game… who would get offended by something as silly as that? lol.

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I’m sorry that you are an abuse/harassment victim. I am, too.

But I don’t have a problem with the catcall whistle. Please don’t lump all people with trauma into the same group. (If you haven’t, you might ask your mental health provider about EFT or EMDR therapy to help reduce the emotional reactions to the trauma. EFT works more quickly, but both can be effective.)

WoW devs, please give back the /wolfwhistle and make the whistle you’ve put in into different ones like /hereboy et cetera.