I did and turned in the quest “The Weaver’s Legacy” that reads The Weaver’s Trove and only received 154g and 96 silver. seems a bit low and light since the troves flavor text reads “Contains a variety of rewards for those who have proven themselves true allies to the Weaver.”
Same here. Definitely seems wrong.
Yeah, just finished it and it’s… gold? It’s not even Kej? That’s really disappointing.
Also, what exactly did we do to Meersk? I thought we were going to kill him or something.
Weaver wrapped up Meersk and will eat him later like how real life spiders will wrap up prey to eat later.
I just did this and The Weaver wrapped him and called in her little spiders to feast. Is that not what you saw?
Did I really just bribe an NPC 1k gold and got given a chest with “a variety of rewards” that was 164 gold.
Same, that is really quite disappointing.
Who thought this would be a fitting reward?
any update on this?
Still bugged on my end, 156g total…
Yep 1000 gold to get a 156 gold reward lol
162 gold. I feel really let down by this. Blizz please fix.
Yeah can we please get a fix on this? Otherwise this really kills any incentive to do any of the rep activities after max reputation. Or if you’re going to give mediocre gold, at least give something else as well.
This happened to me now as well. I got 159 gold and nothing else. lol. Why did I just spend an hour doing this nonsense?
I guess I’m just not going to complete any of these quests until we get a response from Blizzard. Deafening silence so far on the huge amount of large issues going on right now. Take the game down for a day and fix it.
Same here, 157g, 84s. What a let down.
Just completed this as well. Only gave some gold. Did a google search to see what it was supposed to have found this thread. How can something that says it “Contains a variety of rewards for those who have proven themselves true allies” give 150 something gold…
Agree. Feels like a bug when the tooltip states “Contains a variety of rewards for those who have proven themselves true allies of the Weaver.” Keywords there are VARIETY + plural REWARDS. +/- 164 gold is not a variety of rewards. Very disappointing.
Yeah just got the same item for excess rep and got… 167 gold, again. No word on this still. Really annoying.
This was changed from Beta to Live.
This is used as a reward for completing some additional story quests unlocked with Rank 5 with The Weaver, and as their “Paragon Chest” for every 2500 reputation gained after maxing their Ranks (9/9 Mastermind).
Contains 500x Kej
*(8 days before Early Access; Beta Release Candidate
Same. Just some gold for what the text says. I was expecting at least a veteran item.
After this week’s reset - still just 155g. Either they’re ignoring this or it’s functioning as intended and we know to never go for it again.