The Way Forward: How Era should operate into the future

This isn’t true! Naming infractions in wow are reactionary, so you can name yourself “noobkillerxx” on a RP server, but if someone reports you for character name you will end up getting flagged for a re-name.

I’m one of those RP nerds who feel strongly about names on RP servers. There’s only so many RP servers, and on classic the RP community had to be very vocal to get the RP servers we got. There’s so many regular servers where people can run around with “noobkillerxx” and the like, so I feel that if a person decides to roll on one of the few RP servers then respect the RP naming conventions. :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyway… more back on topic; I mostly support this idea! However, I’d think it’d be better to run the cycle as 1.5 - 2 years. It’s not just gear acquisition, but lvling speed and just the general vibe of classic that makes it so 1 year for all the phases would feel rushed - we experienced that with SoM.

You can see what I put in a different thread here