After a bit of a break, we are pleased to announce that The Watch world defense community is making a comeback in TWW. Now on several servers.
What we offer, the ability to communicate across the server to community members online so Alliance players can rally for organic WPVP or city defense. Hopefully we can have some fun fights coming up soon!
If Interested, look us up in the community finder or talk to myself or Jim in game for an invite.
Yep! I do remember this! Made it a little easier to form a defense in the absence of the old defense channel!
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places chair in corner of room
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The Guard has a network of foot soldiers, spies, and officers strategically placed across multiple realms of Azeroth as we look to expand our tyrannical reign over Emerald Dream to other realms beyond our borders.
As The Guard continues to pave the path for domination of the entire world of Azeroth, we look to represent and defend ALL Stormwinds’ of Azeroth. To purge ALL lands of Horde filth. To cleanse any remnants of Himanshu and his WSB goons that fled in fear. As well as any followers of Renosh and the cockroaches of ISR that dare come out of hiding.
The Guard will gladly join our Dwarven brethren in the Alliance World Defense Community and endorse this defense alliance with open arms.
-The World PvP Comes to Us-
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Wait, this is coming back?? Sign me up.
Mort. Since you’re going to have your hands full watching The Watch and the guard, would you like a cup of coffee and a scone?
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Thanks for bringing this back Cal! Let’s bag some of that sweet tea!
/ric flair woo