The warlock tank set is underwhelming

The T2 set is fine and makes healing us more consistent.

the T4 set is a joke and could be completely replaced by making shadow burn not use a soul shard baseline. Its a utility set bonus rather than something that actually helps us tank.
You could replace this set bonus with something that helps us on the aoe threat like a thorns like effect or reduces the cd on shadow cleave by 2 seconds or some sort of pseudo damage reduction where we take 80% of the damage initially and then the other 20% over 5 seconds. Literally anything else would be better.

The T6 set is passable but its so boring compare to the current tier sets instant soul fire cast. Maybe make it a proc to turn shadow cleave into shadow bolt volley for one cast.

I kinda like it, but are right, it feels far more like a utility set rather than a proper tank set for the bonuses. Give give Shadowcleave a chance to apply Immolate or something. A shadow damage thorns or something to effect Searing Pain would be relevant.

Edit: In fact, looking at the set bonus from the DPS ZG set, that may be better than T1 for tank if you run FG. 5% more damage, 5% armor, 30 to all resistance, 10% threat gen. The armor from the increased Master Demonologist makes up for about 90% of armor loss from switching from T1.

The 5pc ZG set should be the 6 pc Tank set. Cleary we are leaning into Demonology and Felguard as tanks. Immo aura competing is a whole other issue, and I suppose we have just had to make peace with that.

The 4pc tank set should not all of a sudden try to shoehorn in shadow damage (a talented spell at that) - particularly considering the thrust of ring runes (Fire/Defense). It doesn’t give any kind of spell school flexibility due to CD, and even if you combined the current 6pc and 4pc AND made the heal a shield that stacked with BWS, it would still be lackluster and lazy.

It should be a massive red flag that current discussion of the T2 tank set is “Don’t use it”.

The current meta builds coming out of the warlock discord are saying use 5 set ZG and 2 set T2 tank gear. The set bonuses on it are so underwhelming we’d rather use the “non-tank” gear from the side raid.