The War Within | Threads Within

Xalalatath crawling out of the wall like the ring lady yelling IM HERE TO ASK YOU ABOUT YOUR AUTO INSURANCE POLICY


Xalalalalalalalalalatath: “Won’t you take a poor sinner’s hand?”

Also are my ears deceiving me, or is Spider Azshara voiced by Jania’s VA?

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Gosh, credit where it’s due, that was pretty good.

It told me way more about the story than the actual cinematic did. It had a believable, human motivation. It was a great twist on the tired Blizzard favorite of “empress soandso went berserk and now she’s leading us to ruin”–though, I’ll point out it’s basically just the same trope with extra steps.

Still, those extra steps made a difference.

I can’t help but notice that “hot elves are ruining my life” is a constant theme in WoW.


I mean, credit where it’s due…while we as the players know the new Spider Queen is being played by Evil Elf Lady, she actually does have a point with all the Nerubian peasants we see suffering.

Spider Queen Mom was being sensible in wanting to ‘endure’, but I can’t really fault Spider Azshara’s motivations when they’ve established this civilization is hurting.


So you’re saying she’s making Nerub great again.


Gonna build a wall. A big beautiful wall. And make Arathi pay for it!


It wasn’t bad. Better than the Thrall/Anduin cenimatic. Still, it does feel like a retread of several plot…threads… (a-thank you) that they’ve done before. I actually expected them to say “What are you doing?!” “Succeeding you, Mother.”

Edit: Also, where is my arachnophobia safe version? This is very upsetting.


What was particularly noteworthy for me was just how horrifying Xalatath is, when not smirking like the sarcastic, bemused, aloof antagonist she appeared to be. Her eyes are haunting.

Granted, this is a cinematic. But I hope they keep that effect. I don’t want Xalatath to be Celaena Sardothien. I want her to be creepy and evil.


I’d follow her into Hell, I would!

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I will never forgive Xal’atath for ruining a perfectly good Monster Girl to make the ‘Evolved’ Neruwubians!

Gotta really rope in the fan art sites… and the other fan art sites.


Accepting outside help that transforms your people so that you may achieve your destiny as conquerers.

The uh… irony is not lost on me.


Remember that time in that WoW expac that it turned out the big bad was akshully being controlled by a different big bad!?

How many expacs has that been the premise now?

Glad I’m here for the hats.


The Orcs at least have the distinction of not having been led into corruption by an elf. Not many can claim that these days.


Yet another reason that I prefer dwarves. They’re not “hot elves ruining lives”.

I love how unhinged Xalatapdat looks.


Put some respect on Xalamander’s name when you say it.


Adored this cinematic. I do hope there will be more!


I thought the void was all about tentacled monstrosities why does it make spiders more conventionally cute? Not that I’m complaining I’d rather be cute than a writhing incomprehensible mass of some description

Here’s the thing, and it’s a Game Theory :tm: so take it as such, but the Old Gods were forced into our reality, and as we saw in Shadowlands, it takes a tremendous amount of power to breach the barriers between Dimensions.

We only went to the Shadowlands because Sylvanas opened the Rift between the Material Plane and the Shadowlands.

The Dreadlords had to be specifically engineered and created to be able to enter other planes of reality.

The Light was able to just ‘invade’ Maldraxxus, as was the Void, despite the fact we’re told that the Void is so blocked from our reality they have to engineer a End-of-Days Event just to open the door wide enough for them to come through.

Dimensius was only able to manifest a mere fragment of itself into Outland, and that was only because the planet was partially phased into the Twisting Nether and there was a tremendous amount of Arcane Energy for it to feed upon to power said fragment manifestation.

So we can assume that entities of great power require larger and more permanent ‘Gates’ between the Dimensions to fully manifest into the Material Plane, and if they do it wrong, as we saw with Sargeras and the Sundering, their corporeal forms can be destroyed or heavily damaged to the point it can take thousands (or tens of thousands considering how time works in the Twisting Nether…) of years and absurd amounts of energy to reconstitute their corporeal forms.

The Old Gods, and this is from the Chronicles so we can assume its either an outright lie, a half-truth or, at best, slander, had to be forced into our Dimension, the Material Plane, and were forced to be thrown at random due to this barrier that protects the Material Plane from wanton invasion by extra-dimensional entities like the Demons, the Void Lords, the Realms of Death etc etc etc.

Our view of the Void might be horrors, tentacles and sentient cancer because … the Old Gods were damaged.

The festering body-horror poster-children of the Void might have been irrevocably damaged by being forced through this barrier without something on the other side to open the way, as we saw with the Legion’s preferred method of invading a planet, and Sylvanas atop Icecrown, and because of this, their ‘higher’ functions were almost entirely ruined, leaving only their most basic and ‘natural’ functions able to limp along, either because they were simple enough for ‘field repairs’, or were so entwinned with their nature that it couldn’t be permanently damaged or suppressed.

We’ve seen that Old God ‘remains’ are still, even when dead or fossilized, super-charged with Void energies or only need the slightest touch of Life energy or Void energy to become ‘active’ once more. Why both with the Elementals of Azeroth when you could just create more K’thraxxi or other, loyal servants that don’t need to be constantly suppressed and enslaved? Why enslave the Mortal Races of Azeroth when the Old Gods were able to produce the Aqir directly from their own flesh?

We’ve never seen the true power of the Void. We’ve seen damaged, broken, ruined things trying desperately to fulfill a function they’re neither capable of when challenged by any reasonable threat or able to use their Temporal Sight adequately to overcome 40 kleptomaniacal omnisexual murder-hobos who’d beat each other to death with a coffee mug for a piece of loot.

Xal’atath might be our first real look at what the Void, undamaged, focused and with full support from the Void’s rulers, is capable of, and she’s just one servant, far older and more successful than the Old Gods to the point they either tricked her, or were given her, in the form of the Black Blade to fulfill their mission and still failed catastrophically.