The War Within Story Criticism (Spoilers)

Bosunns’ point is that there’s better ways to get that point across other than threatening devs and their families. It’s a really great way to be ignored and potentially have the authorities make a visit to your house


Krosus is so forgettable you got the raid he appears in wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

Including the ones that have died?

Such as Daelin?

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Danath? Anduin? Jaina? Khadgar? Turalyon? Arator? Katherine? Tandred? Genn? Tess? Crowley? Lorna?

there are more human leaders alive then dead.

But you said ALL human leaders have plot armor. That includes the ones that have died. As you did not specify only the living ones. You just said ALL in general.

Never use a for all statement Erevien. Come on, I should not have to keep saying that.

He is a half elf

Not a leader.


He did actually die though. Sure he was resurrected but he did actually die. So for a few seconds plot armor did not save him


one half of it is human.