The War Within Season 2 is Now Live!

The War Within Season 2 is Now Live!

Take on all new challenges in The War Within Season 2 with a new raid, new Delves, an updated rotation of challenging Mythic+ dungeons, and a new PvP season. This season also features familiar exclusive rewards such as the Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements for raids, Keystone Master achievements, rewards for Mythic+, and Gladiator rewards for PvP.

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Finally jfc

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Hooray!!! Thanks

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Very much looking forward to the new Mage Tier set!! It’s amazing!

KSM/KSL mounts not being a reskin of Season 1’s mount is pretty awesome too!

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  • Xal’atath’s Guile
    • Will cause Keystones above level 12 to increase health and damage of enemies by 12% per level.

What happened to the mythic+ changes?


The Underpin has stolen Brann’s hat! This Zek’vir-style challenge will bring you (and Brann) face-to-face with Brann’s newest nemesis—The Underpin—one of the meanest, craziest goblins within the Undermine. Follow along on the quest “Defeating the Underpin” to bust into The Underpin’s Tier 8 Delve to get Brann’s hat back!


  • Excavation Site 9
  • Sidestreet Sluice
  • The Underpin (Challenge Delve)
  • Delves with a new variant:
    • Fungal Folly
    • Kriegval’s Rest
    • Earthcrawl Mines (2 variants)
    • The Dread Pit
    • Waterworks
    • The Sinkhole
    • Nightfall Sanctum
    • Skittering Breach
    • Tak-Rethan Abyss
    • The Underkeep
    • The Spiral Weave

Very cool, look forward to the new variants! Looks like Myromancer is the odd one out in getting a new variant.

Along the Delver’s Journey progression, unlock customizations for your Delver’s Gob-Trotter—the newest Delve mount attainable during Season 2 from The War Within: Undermine(d) —along with the Delve-O-Bot 7001 —a toy that delivers you to a random Bountiful Delve. Treat your Warband to a fresh place to set up camp with a new underground Campsite scene—Nightfall Sanctum—unlocked once the Season 2 Delver’s Journey is completed.

Very, very cool for the teleport to a random bounty delve, I hope the cooldown isn’t long.

S2 for delves sound amazing, especially getting a new warband background being the capstone reward.

A whole new season of bugs and bad tuning to discover.

I’m excited!


Will undercoins or other currencies be reset ? I’ve heard that coffee keys will be reset as well

And a confirmation regarding m+ keystone level reset would be appreciated

If season 1 doesn’t end on February 26th, the class changes can alter M+ and PVP rating a lot before season 2 starts on March the 5th.
Will season 1 M+ dungs still be opened until March the 5th? Can players still get achievements from season 1 like M+ title and PVP titles until March the 5th? It’s not clear on any article.

The War Within Season 1 wraps up with the release of the Undermine(d) content update.

Could not be more clear.

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Think in one of the articles they had the ability description for the bountiful port and it had an hour CD. Will poke around again to see if I can track it down. Fun way to get your first and then off ones out but unlikely to be able to spam it through all of your available options for the day. Unless Delves gets significantly longer ig.

Edit: It was a WoWHead one

Have to scroll a bit but it’s down in the discussion of Season 2 Delvers Journey rewards.

Edit 2 : Grabbed the wrong link. MB

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Damn Season 2 looks underwhelming


Season 1 started less than 6 months ago.

They’ve done 6 month tiers for like 3 expansions now, if not more. Not sure why people suddenly think it was going to be faster.

Likewise, 11.2 will likely be in September.

The Season 4 is the one that always lasts shorter, as it’s meant to be a “refresh” of content for people while the expansion is in beta.

Hopefully they’ll make it something like “Cooldown is instantly reset upon completing a Bountiful Delve.” That way it encourages playing but isn’t overpowered to just teleport zone to zone on a whim.

Cause right now, IIRC, it’s 1 hour. :confused:

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Yeah the latest 11.2 will be out is September 16th, as that patch has holiday updates for Brewfest, which goes live September 20th.

This is if everything is still on track with the Road Map.

What’s your point?

The fact that the Undermine(d) content update comes out on February 25th, but we (apparently) have until March 4th to do everything (except PvP) is a really weird way to word it.

With the delve uber bosses, can you please drop the “?” and “??” names for the difficulty levels? It’s extremely silly and detrimental to communicating about them. You literally can’t even put a “??” in the titles of forum threads! Just call them Normal and Heroic! Or hell, Easy and Hard!

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I really wanted to get 2500 rating to unlock the stone that lets us add additional effects to any tier varient, but not enough time this season.

The normal mage (blue) set of S1 would have looked amazing with the mythic effects.

I’m hoping the achievement/stone will still be available in S2 to kill mythic queen, but there’s always confusion on that in the past.

You still have a week and a half! I believe in you!

Patch has been fun so far. Looking forward to the new season! Yay

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