The War Within PTR: 11.0.7 Content Update

More or less, I think the Arathi are the only high elves to have the shorter elven ear options that is available to players, maybe Arathor as well, but I haven’t checked his model in a while, the other full Quel’dorei groups all have bigger ears.

So they are also half elves, just with elven dominant genetics, but yes, the Arathi have primarily human dominated genetics.

I’m wondering if it is the top of Beledar or whether it is a brand new azerite megacrystal that has just recently formed out of recent BFA eruptions.

(I think there’s a fascinating lore engine here that each time Azeroth is wounded it generates a new collection of crystals influencing the surroundings)

That was my first impression as well. It’s filler that will probably be fun for a couple weeks then be completely dead when everyone gets bored of it.

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Meh. Just extend the anniversary event another month or two. Looks like an rinse and repeat of forbidden reach with a bunch of reskinned elites you call rares for reasons :popcorn:


Plunderstorm again? Biggest L of the xpac.


Siren Isle could be interesting, just gotta add to it consistently.

I didn’t care for plunderstorm, Kirin Tor lore could be interesting as well and I hope in the primary story, they begin killing off some major character to shake some stuff up, but I doubt it lol.

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So on the one hand, I like the overall concept of this island and what it could lead to going into 11.1. I really do.

Allowing us to also get unreleased mounts, transmogs and toys that appeared in the game files ages ago? Also cool, love that.

But on the other hand, I’m going to be real with you all. I do not like the ring. And I have two words that cover why I don’t like the ring, here they are:

“Borrowed Power.”

One thing you all (as in Blizzard developers) made clear to all of us is that borrowed power hurt the game, and it did. No one enjoys getting powerful abilities and items only for them to be taken away from you in the next major patch or expansion. It sucks. It makes us wonder why we put time and energy into upgrading ‘the thing’ (where ‘the thing’ is the borrowed power system of that patch/expansion) only for ‘the thing’ to be taken away. Hell, we already did this exact thing with the Onyx Annulet in the Forbidden Reach and it sucked then too.

So IMO, keep the ring but just make it a fancy item we can choose from as a quest reward, have it show up on our characters when we wear it, that’s cool, but don’t make it super powerful like you did with the Annulet. We don’t need that form of borrowed power returning to the game. Players made it very clear we didn’t like that. Let’s not revisit past mistakes.


Honestly considering .07 patches usually meant near nothing in the past this is a plus even if the content turns out to be copy and paste with a new skin.

Regarding the ring if you’re planning to make it stick beyond a single season and actually have a sort of at least semi-evergreen feature please take your time with it and don’t make it half baked.

Yes. They’re called Humans :wink:

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I would be genuinely more excited if all modes of getting to Stormwind other than on foot weren’t broken, and I could portal between the Anniversary content and Hallows quests.
Or if, you know, all the missing guild bank items and gold were miraculously returned.
Or if, just once, we received some kind of acknowledgement from Blizzard, a blue post, or comment on one of their socials, that there even is a problem.
Right now though, I’m a bit over it all.

I liked the vault mechanics and found that pretty fun to complete. Sad is was kinda short and not very replayable unless I missed something about it. Could have had a randomized nature to it with an added difficulty layer for harder new mobs and some new puzzles maybe.

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This makes me think 11.1 is going to be a while away yet.

Why is there even a “test PTR”? Not like they will fix anything before pushing to live servers. I don’t see the point of a so called testing realm. They don’t fix anything!!

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The return of Plunderstorm is mega hype! I would have been very glad for its return even if it had no rewards, but coming with some new stuff is cool too.

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I think just about every tank/healer in the game.


Those half elf ears are tempting
Will have to check them out on ptr when it goes live

hello all i want to know where is the patch at how fo i get to play the PTR for siren isle

how do i get the PTR for siren isle

I’m glad that they at least posted about this before I put too much effort into getting a 2nd good ring. I even have a mythic ring sitting in my vault right now and was seriously considering picking it.

Did they forget to push the PTR?