The War Within PTR: 11.0.7 Content Update

It seems as if you are eluding to hoard currency for xpac A so you can utilize it in xpac B. I’m not talking about carrying currency over from to another, I’m talking about making fewer currencies for any given xpac.

Ideally, we’d utilize rep and gold to determine the cosmetics, pets, and mounts we can have and then have turn-in currencies to build rep. That was how it once was and it worked well.

But 12 currencies and we’re 2.5 months in? That is insanely excessive and unnecessary.

oh look, that ring better not be tied to zskera vaults type content. tie it to content like horrific visions from bfa. that stuff was fun and very repeatable.

k, nice ears

how about full beards for blood/void elves ?

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Could the zone be prettier please?

So much of my in game immersion is the surrounding beauty that is found through out the World of Warcraft.

From the beginning I was wow’d by Wow. I had never played an MMO before WoW. I was playing RTS games. When I made my first toon and explored Elwynn Forest I was completely blown away. I still have a soft spot for it. As I explored other zones & other expansions I got to enjoy that sense of awe. Of being wow’d. Dragonflights beautiful zones wow’d me. Like Elwynn I’ll always think fondly of it.

I hate to complain but the recent zones are not wowing me. I’m not feeling that sense of awe & wonder that pulls me into the game. So please make it prettier. Wow me.

So, the ring is going to go down one of 2 ways:

Either it’s tuned to be worth using on specs that scale well with secondary stats, or it’s tuned around specs that don’t scale well.

If it’s tuned around the specs that do scale, the ones that don’t will be using it until 11.3 (or it gets nerfed mid S2).

If you tune it to be good on the specs that don’t like secondary stats, half of the specs in the game will just ignore it.

Ugh gods. I don’t even have words for how awful that sounds.


reminds me of the stuff i made up for my RP Profile being Gnome-Goblin Ship scavengers from a stormy brushland island

New Plunderstorm!? Yay!!! :yes_pirates:

Leading off of MoP: Remix, I was wondering if they were going to change the zone to a Pandaria based one for the next PS event. But if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! Arathi Highlands, here we go! (Fitting for TWW, really.)


Oh nice pointy ears

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Cool, another currency. Definitely the one thing the community has consistently told you we really like. You should absolutely continue to add new currencies every patch because we love them so much. Definitely


It’s really crazy the only way they can handle the economy is to make a new currency wvery 30 days.



10.0.7 wasn’t a long time ago. Yes, this is a “new” area but to give us a ring with 3 sockets with 3 unique gems… is quite Similar to Onyx Annulet. What’s next another Lariat recipe with 0.01% drop chance that will be BiS? Please, new items are cool but this screams Forbidden Reach 2.0! This is some Ctrl + C/ Ctrl + V content to those who played Dragonflight. Also I assume the Jewelcrafters will be the only profession to benefit from this for cutting the “unique” gems as well to capitalize on.

Siren’s Isle

The new area does look cool, but the mount rewards/achievements are so similar…I assume this will be a new zone where you will have to zone into an instance like the Vaults on Forbidden Reach to grab “keys” or such and wait the weekly rotation to complete it all and keys will be limited capped per week.


I really enjoyed Plunderstorm but, I think the community would like another map than Arathi Highlands… I don’t think I speak for the majority but I absolutely loved this mode. Will there be new abilities? Will there be new cosmetics/renown to grind? Will there be anything new at all?

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Can you make a video with the hunter devs so we can actually see who hates us so much and is screwing up the class? I mean they could at least face us right?


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-Appreciative of all the content the devs have been pumping out. DF and TWW have given me more to do than any other expansion in between major patches, and that is really nice.

-However, bugs have been increasing in severity and are going unfixed until weeks after the patch goes live. I understand not everything can be dealt with right away, but some of these bugs are so bad that a patch cannot and should not release with them.
-I dont know anything about the WoW teams development structure, but maybe 8 week release cadence is too much too fast? Maybe increasing that timeframe would be healthier for the game and developers overall potentially? Just from a player pov.

Longer thoughts:
I want to say that getting content often like this is really nice, especially when in the past it would have been absolutely nothing from launch until the .1 patch. I am thankful for the work the devs are putting in to give players a steady stream of content and new rewards.

However, maybe the 8 week release cadence is too much too soon? I obviously have no idea what goes on within the WoW team, but there has definitely been more bugs recently that have gone unfixed until a few weeks after the patch goes live. The bugs have also been increasing in severity as they affect class/spec performance in major ways.

WoW players will always complain about something no matter what, but I’ll be honest I think TWW showed that there are things that need to be fixed/solved before the patch or expansion goes live, and maybe 8 weeks in between patches is just too much pressure on development teams?

I am personally enjoying TWW, but I think it would be completely fine to increase the content release cadence to something that gives the developers time to fix bugs, especially with how many cuts to QA it seems blizz has had to deal with. Players might be more accepting of a 12 week release cadence rather than an 8 week if major bugs were fixed in that time.

It would also be nice to see devs revisit their mentality on m+, it has begun to feel more like a chore than an actual fun thing to do especially from someone who usually pugs. Maybe changing the way interrupts work would help since there are so many, ie instead of doing one-shot dangerous level damage they can give a debuff instead that reduces group damage and movement speed, so its still punishing but doesn’t feel as bad as someone getting 1 shot or the group getting blasted, makes it more recoverable. I’m not sure, but it feels pretty bad to pug m+ now, just not fun.


I wonder if Captain Nightsquall who was teased in the Forbidden Reach last expansion might make an appearance here.

Should be delving deeper into the core each patch.

Pretty sire that’s the full expansions

This cracks me up. Now I wanna make a Kul Tiran half-elf dude that looks like a bad guy from a Disney movie.

I honestly expected half-elf stuff to come with Arator’s introduction to the story, but this works.


Okay, so I checked out all of the Arathi NPCs. I’m going to say roughly 90% or more are Human/KT models with pointed ears. The Helfs that are part of the Arathi are regular Helfs with their normal pointed ears. Probably the original ones who joined up with the Humans when the Arathi split off.

So it seems to me, Arathi genetics are Human dominant genes with just some pointy ears and once the Helfs are gone… that’s all it’ll be.