The War Within needs to feel epic with high stakes

The War Within needs to feel epic with high stakes. Similar to Legion and BFA. This is one of the major failings of DF. DF’s story didn’t feel impactful until the final raid.


I for one, think the dirt dwarves should be fighting against some evils who are morphing the tectonic plates under azeroth to commit terrorist attacks via planned “natural” disasters (new volcanoes, etc)


High stakes are irrelevant if the writing is just awful, as is usually the case for this game. Shadowlands probably had some of the highest stakes the game has seen to date and yet the story and writing were so bad that it really didn’t matter lol.


No, it doesn’t necessarily have to feel epic with high stakes. People take that to mean you have to kill some characters and blow up a city. Heck, you already have that.

It needs to be good, well written, maybe even interesting. And above all, fun.


It’s going to feel like a setup expansion for the real expansion in Midnight.

Maybe the stakes were too high in shadowlands to be taken seriously.

“If he wins he will undo all of reality!!!”
Right… so basically he has no chance then. Got it.


That would be the case for every single expansion to date though lol.


Its always been possible that the bad guy will win though and the story could still continue.
Or they might succeed part way like the legion in wod being able to trigger a whole invasion of azeroth.

The jailer was never going to leave the shadowlands in order to do any damage that mattered.

No it hasn’t lol. If the Legion won during cough Legion, we would all be dead right now.

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They didnt win.
But they did manage to stick a giant sword in the planet that both triggered the next expansion as well as tww.
The legion invasion had plausible stakes and caused real impacts on the world.

Soooo…exactly what you said about Shadowlands lol.

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I feel like youre missing the point :stuck_out_tongue:
Its not about win or lose. Its about what could happen and possible damages caused.

Shadowlands was either total destruction of everything or nothing at all.

So exactly what I already said? I literally said it had the highest stakes to date.

Did you just not read the post or something?

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The Legion’s plan was to destroy all life everywhere in the universe in the hopes that something new (and immune to void corruption) would pop up.

I’d rather have it feel epic with cool rewards I actually want to work on getting. Never felt like the story mattered much.

I didn’t finish a single renown track in DF and don’t care. The mounts, the transmog, the titles… they’re all so bland and forgettable. The game doesn’t have anything to work on anymore besides just increasing your item level.

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So far I pieced together that the Nerubains have a forbidden pool of… something (I have a theory). It must be dangerous if the raid is about slaying the Nerubian Queen’s court traitors (in front of her) and she still won’t give it up even if it takes her own life. :robot::thought_balloon:

The corrupted Skardyn (mutant dwarf) and Earth Elementals are pretty close to that. :robot::+1:

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I feel like you didnt read myself here.
This is going nowhere and fast so im just gonna stop.

You should because you are digging yourself a hole to nowhere lol.

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Pot kettle black mate

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More than welcome to read what I have posted.

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