The War Within Hotfixes - September 18

so i cant hop on to test right now, will tomorrow though and will edit this if my opinion changes, but it sure sounds like from others that this hotfix severely missed the mark in terms of fixing the horrible tuning done yesterday. Maybe it wasn’t clear from all of the comments, but things were broken in the last delve hotfix, not simply hard. Did anyone who made the new tuning adjustments actually go on to the live servers today to test them personally? Did they do so solo, in a group, what role? When making the new hotfix, were they testing it internally as they went along before pushing it live? Did they do so with the same group comp as they did on live? Did they have fun with either version? After pushing it live, did they then hop on live to make sure it played the same as internally? The reason i’m asking all of this is because there seems to be a massive rift between either what the dev(s) want or think they are doing with these hotfixes and what the players want, and i’m not sure which it is.

There also need to be systems in place to prevent this from going on for this long in the first place. There were comments about how it was clearly overtuned starting within 10 minutes of the first hotfix. Sure those could have been people overreacting, but after how many there were in an hour it should have been clear something was wrong and the hotfix should have been reverted. Yes it was late at night. Dont do a MASSIVE tuning hotfix with a lot of potentially bug-able parts late at night in the middle of a week if you don’t want to stay at least an hour to make sure it doesn’t break anything.

Please, please just revert the delve changes you have made over the past 2 days until this can be figured out. We want to have fun.


your efforts to balance this content are doomed to fail because you don’t have a clear vision for what you want it to be and are instead tweaking the content to try to shape the item level distribution of players on the servers. seek jesus.


This is a joke right? Tune.

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Okay, but I don’t like Delves, so when you gonna fix the whole Normal-dungeon-loot-too-low-for-Heroic problem?

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Normal raid loot is perfectly fine for heroic once its half way upgraded. If you get to 616 you’re already set!

They said dungeon, not raid

Not a fan of the changes. Had to change it to a T7 since stuff in T8 hits way too hard. I was able to do one but it took 45 min and was not fun to do. Before all the crap changes I was able to do T9 solo and T10 in a group at 590.


Just like i had no idea way back in the yrs what ‘’ time is money friend ‘’ meant, when that was all i ever heard the npc’s say ?, Now i know what it means !..the longer it takes us to progress in this game ?..the more money blizz makes from sub’s…lol.

1.08 BILLION healing, in a T8 delve with 2 of us, 598 and 595 ilvl. died 8 times so no bountiful chest. Just a giant F*** Y** to us for wasting our time. This content is dead to me, until changes are made.


Yeah, i am not sure that this fix did a lot. the recurring damage is simply too high, for example i got hit by a necrotic bolt for 1.3 million, that is a third of my health and its not possible to silence the majority of them. I am having to root then try to LOS them, but that is a silly strategy for a single trashmob.

Webweavers or whatever they are called are ridiculous as well for similar reasons. I am all for difficulty, but difficulty needs to be tied to something else other than spikes in damage. I have gone through dozens of healing potions in addition to being able to heal myself to a degree.


they delete delves yet?

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the latest delve changes fixed nothing, delve mobs have way to much health and take way too long to kill.
this seems like the exact same scaling issues that were in the panda remix(but the scaling could be overcome in remix with the special gems) so they knew about how bad their scaling system is but still didn’t figure it was important to test the scaling before pushing it to live.
please revert the recent delve changes, delves were fun(at least playable before) now its boring and annoying


Probably saving it for the next hotfix. “Because we cant settle on tuning that players enjoy, despite players somehow having fun before tuning earlier this week, we have decided to remove delves”

(Tbf solos needed help and some things were hitting hard. That doesnt mean you flip the entire monopoly board upside down and start tuning from scratch, which is how it feels)


Solo is still overtuned. The bosses in solo especially Earthcrawl mines where he will put both dots on you each dot on you are taking about 1.6m damage a second and will cast it faster than every 30 seconds even if interrupted. The cast needs to be set on the same CD or something when you are solo. At ilvl 600 you only have 4.4m HP. And he’ll cast it faster than you can interrupt it if certain classes.

Shadow Priests need to be moved to like other classes in terms of being able to interrupt every 6 seconds. This 45sec (30sec speced) doesn’t work.

I will say some of the delves on solo are fine. Had some trash hit for more than the boss, but then some others the bosses hit too hard like Earthcrawl Mines.

The Sinkhole is a hell hole the Necromancers and Harbingers have infinite range it seems like on their Necrotic Bolts and they all hit for 1.5-m1.8m each.


I don’t know about anyone else, but class balance feels awful right now. There’s some huge disparities in certain classes and specs being able to do give amounts of damage and others feel completely forgotten. It’s two extremes and nothing feels like it’s in the middle.

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Fixes for everything every couple days, What About the GUILD BANK? A shut down on Saturday? 20 yr player just frustrated with this expansion is all, quit complaining about leveling is so hard lol…

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This change to how revives work is incredibly punishing to groups primarily because on “boss” encounters you can’t run back. So a 5 man group only really gets one shot at it while a solo player gets 5 at full intended strength.

I think being able to release and run back resolves this issue

I also think the lives system just kinda sucks since you can consume the bountiful effect of a delve without the rewards significantly impacting your rate of power gain.

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*Delves hard in solo and easier in groups

"Are delves overturned for solo players?

Nooo it’s the groups that are out of balance"


Tried to be brave and outplay, find a strategic way to beat any T8 bountiful delves by changing brann skills, changing spec, trying different skills etc… ended up simply wsting my entire night failing to complete a T8 with revives left. I’ve given up on delves altogether at this point which just makes me feel like I’m behind on gear and there’s nothing I can do about it since delves give such great gear at T8. I play rogue, almost exclusively solo. The game is becoming very time consuming and unrewarding very quickly. It’s so sad that there are so many individuals feeling burnt out or just depressed this early into an expansion that seemed to have so much potential. Blizzard, why do you nerf fun? Why are you so dead set on killing off the playerbase already? I genuinely don’t understand.


Now please explain to me why every bountiful delve I do gives me a Back piece, every one. Makes it even more pointless for a casual after fighting through crap solo tuning. So now I have waisted keys for multiple back pieces and my ilvl has not got up and they were soul bound drops not WUE,
Thanks Blizz,

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