The War Within Hotfixes - October 3

Well delves were fun while they lasted. I really thought we had the fun Blizzard back for a second :confused:


Agreed, back to the mindless slog of M+ where at least we know as a group of 5 we can at least not be 1 shot by unavoidable mechanics.


So let me get this straight? Now that the top 1 percent has all the Delves they need you make them absolutely impossible to do muchless enjoy as a group. This was supposed to be role agnostic 15 minute content. I just took a group of 604 ilvl into an 8 and due to the brown mechanic on a brown train track in a brown cave on a brown floor with a brown swirly and a .5 second cast time. We wasted a BROWN 30 minutes. Just revert the hotfix, it was just champion gear. I shouldnā€™t need mythic gear to complete it.


FWIW, Iā€™m still clearing. But I have to toggle specs between packs, to make sure I have an optimal loadout per pull. Trying to pull a boss in my CC build is a guaranteed life lost.

Weā€™re basically back to the days of ā€œwait for lust timer before trash pullā€.
(Which they hopefully will not fix by adding a timer, and irredeemably damage the mode.)


oh great. Thatā€™s sounds horrible. You shouldnā€™t have to do that. =(


I agree somewhat, but Iā€™m also fine doing fine-tuning optimizations in hard content.

If it was hard group content, where my ability to clear was based on pre-defining loadouts and waiting for everyone to switch? Iā€™d just quit and wait for the game to course-correct.

Waiting for people to change builds between bosses in Castle Nathria was a really bad player experience Iā€™ve had. This was back when you could only change specs in rested areas, and we were basically summoning everyone back after spec changesā€¦ :nauseated_face:

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This is how I felt about Awakening the Machine. I got DCā€™d on level 20. Now I canā€™t get past level 18. Stuff like this is why I end up giving up for the rest of the expansion.


595, tier 8s are still possible solo but they just require so much LoS, CC, and self-healing Iā€™m not even going to bother with delves anymore and just do M+ next week.

Whatā€™s the point of needing a full set of 606+ gear to do a delve that rewards (only if you have a key) the same ilvl?

Blizzard moment.


Congrats, been gone for 15 years to come back to finally be able to play solo sinceā€¦ finding a guild sucks/like dating. a Elite in mines has no business with 80m+ hp and hits like a truck and isnā€™t even the boss.

Now with this you have nerfed pretty much every raid finder/solo opportunity for people like me. The game is no longer fun now when all you do is die.


dunno i tried soloing mines on t7 which was a cake walk yesterday only to findmyself getting destroyed and not even at the last boss yet.


This pretty much. Delves are dead for most people until they are nerfed and useless (for gear progression) for anyone that does m+ unless they are nerfed today or tomorrow


T9 suggests 610 avg ilvl.

Weā€™re you doing these solo? In a group? Weā€™re you and or everyone in that bracket?

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SUPER stoked they fixed delves. I was worried I was enjoying another form of content! Iā€™m glad they turned it to dead content so quickly. Back to picking herbs for M+ and raids and less delves for achievements/that one staff that will be obsolete next week I managed to get 3 times XD. :drooling_face:


Iā€™m fine with the rez change, but solo having 5 lives vs a group having 5 lives is a bit much. One wipe and you basically call the delve, whereas you wipe solo, you get 4 more tries. Seems an oversight to not multiply the available lives x group members.

They absolutely did not fix delves. They are off the chain today.

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This Mechanic wasnā€™t that confusing, and yes it punished players who released in a group but had no impact on solo play.

What it did do is make it so that when a rare does a mechanic that canā€™t be interrupted, 1 shots your whole group in a bountiful delve, you leave and restart because your delve is now done.

Because having my time wasted by a mechanic with no counter play other than ignore that creature, sounds like good game design.

Also, when the response to the ā€œfixā€ is just put together a classic triad team (Tank/healer/dps) for the game mode meant to not be that style of gameplay, is a big L.


It was sarcasm. I thought I made it obvious with the rest of the post, my bad.

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I am angry at you Blizz. You have such a great story this xpac but everything else is lacking. Stop nerfing the fun things and let us play. Stop making it a game where itā€™s only fun if you get in before a wowhead post on something. Delves are not solo friendly (ask priests) by their design. Itā€™s constant need for interrupts and stuns with no real strat like ā€˜LoSā€™ this or that which makes delves unfun. The tuning is broken right now and you did it. Itā€™s just not fun. I am really upset at this new mindset of constant nerfs to content-nothing has been buffed from a player aspect, just constantly ā€˜lessā€™ than before whatever changes-crafting, leveling, gathering, delves. Taking away and giving us less just makes it all feel bad. Note: Opinion only, all driven by feelings on this xpac. I have played for a long time and at this point itā€™s just disappointment. Great art, music (as always) and story! Everything else just isnā€™t what was advertised at this point in the game. Hoping for more!


ā€œStop making it a game where itā€™s only fun if you get in before a wowhead post on something.ā€ I feel this. Maybe we miss who the delves are for. Letā€™s just ask ourselves. Maybe itā€™s for people that want a challenge? Oh, but thereā€™s M+ and Mythic raid. Maybe its for the casual / solo player? Well, not anymore. itā€™s not like it was a broken way to get gear or anything. itā€™s time gated with keys and you can actually TARGET gear in M+ you just get random loot at the end. I got off stat stuff and a decent staff for the first week of M+ some of the friends I enjoyed them with didnā€™t even equip their stuff bc the stats were not it for them. So I guess itā€™s for people to try to fly through for the meta achieve at the end of the xpac for the cool mount?


HAHA so true now that the top guilds that will push Mythic raid have the gear they need, they can shut it down for us peasants.


second thursday hotfix that broke something in a row. somebody needs to take your keys away after wednesdays lol. revert this change and come up with a real fix

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