The War Within Hotfixes - October 3

Okay, cool, so, gotta nerf specific classes that have that as a main survival mechanism, since pet agro is broken again for warlock (it was fixed for a short time, but not anymore) and drain life does such pitifully small damage/healing now that it might as well not exist. The fact that health stones needed a ‘can recharge in combat’ upgrade says alot about warlock health loss, especially with burning rush now dealing strait hp damage and bypassing shields


Good to know, I was wondering what was going on there.

I don’t disagree though, this is kind of a mess across the board because they rushed this out in like 2 days

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It’s almost like they dedicated a full PTR cycle to it (beta)…

Aaaaaaaand ignored every piece of feedback supplied.


Here we go again. A small minority of malcontents complain that a subset (players with friends / guilds) have an advantage and Blizz swings the pendulum too hard in the other direction.

The nerfs were obviously too extreme and as many players have said lead to toxicity and exclusion. Once again blizz will pat themselves on the back for “listening to player feedback” when they didn’t hear the messaging and the broader player base is unhappy.


Yup, even just using the basic fire spell on destro and chain casting it back to back is enough to pull agro off my voidwalker. Heck, If I put wither up and only use my instant cast off cd after it’s out of charges I’m pulling agro off it.

My Surv Hunter has a similar issue, if I throw my bomb and trigger the sentinel owl I pull off pet even if I used misdirect a second before, because misdirect wore off so now it’s all here to eat my face

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Are some specs just pulling crazy aggro amounts? When I did easy mode Zek’vir, my mage friend was ripping threat off my Arms warrior despite doing much lower dps.

No idea, when I speced demonology it was harder to pull agro, but still was pulling agro off my voidwalker/felguard (only reason I even use felguard is just how much stuff needs to be interupted now and warlock has like, NOTHING for that in general) like, if I stock up 15 wild imps and implode them, boom, agro now on me instantly, throw out a 30 stack buff of instacast doggos? agro. Bilewing barage that gets a few quick crit pops at the start? agro.

Wheres the “Xp level lock” debuff bluepost?? This has been happening since Tuesday.

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I don’t know what you guys are complaining about.

I have no clue myself but out of curiosity – were you the group leader?

Curious if Brann has something to do with that. He will show up on meters as your pet (inflating your damage done). So there’s a chance your Mage was actually outdamaging you by enough of a margin to pull aggro, but Brann was padding the difference.

It says when you zone in that T8 is meant for players with 600 ilvl.

People complaining that they can’t solo T8’s in 575-585 are completely missing the point.

This is endgame solo progression. It’s not meant to be so easy that every person can solo T8 week one.

Just like no one expects every guild to clear the raid week one.

I have 600 ilvl…

The issue is mechanically, spells hit very, very hard. They are treated as avoidable damage. Nerfing the time delay in Brann’s interrupt means you will not always have an interrupt available between the two of you anymore. And logically, they are actually now unavoidable after the first set of interrupts.

This is very apparent on Zekvir, where you are likely to have the debuff cast go off if you need one interrupt elsewhere beforehand (e.g., for his heal).


Question: If i’m in the delve when reset happens, do I get my loot?


mind sharing a link?

I just shifted off Zek’vir’s debuff with ghost wolf. If the add casts, though, you just insta-die LMAO. I beat Zek’vir after these hotfixes, but yeah, I haven’t run any 8s since. They’re awful.

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I get the sentiment but I wouldn’t even say this was an exploit. Blizzard not tuning a nob correctly isn’t the players fault. It’s also not the players fault that they now have turned it way to far in the other direction.

I felt like solo delves and group delves had the right balance before this hotfix. I usually ran in a group with 1 tank and 3 DPS. If one of us weren’t paying attention a mechanic would one shot us.

I think the obvious solution was to tone down solo to be more reasonable, tune up duo a bit, and not touched 3+ at all.

Also the ressurection counter change is just bad.


I just did a T8 solo and it didn’t feel meaningfully different from yesterday, though that may be because I’ve been using Brann as a healer so I wasn’t used to his DPS pre-nerf.

Zekvir is completely ridiculous as-is though. Without Brann tanking him or doing real dps I don’t see how ?? is possible at the moment, when I was getting him down to ~10% pre-nerf. Feels pretty awful that if I’d just put in an extra hour yesterday I’d be done, but now it’s not going to be possible without another 20-30 ilvls, if it’s even doable at all atm.

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Right. Definitely not an exploit.
(AFK’ing a player at start to take advantage of it, would be though.)
But people in first rewarded before content nerfs is 100% visible.
Like nerfing leveling speed after early access…

They also did the same sort of thing with Frogging during Remix.
Not exactly exploiting to farm optimally farmable mobs, but Blizzard disagreed.

Rich get richer, and regulating after the fact just widens the gap.
You still want to be done early, or wait long enough for it to be trivial.
(Just wait until they find out that people are farming delve maps for the ilvl upgrade.)

I wish there was a down vote options still.


bliz needs to roll back everyone that has the achievement completed before the patch so they have to re-do it now (that is patched) or just give everyone that title achievement. Or… reserve this patch until next week so we all know they are going to screw the common joe player and give us at least a week to do the achievement like all the streamers that play 18 hours a day