The War Within Hotfixes - October 16

(Everybody hates that) I think that meme is warranted here. Come on man, you guys were doing so well. Let people enjoy the content. You guys don’t need to “fix” things when people are enjoying the content, just cus you guys can’t hold us for another month in our subscription and gate it. Sheesh what a disaster.


I would love to see some stats on how many of these devs can actually solo this stuff while pushing these ridiculous hot garbage fixes.


The changes are extreme, my night is ruined, hopefully this is fixed by the time I’m off work tomorrow so I can actually play the game for the weekend.


The scaling is horrible still for parties and solo.

Do it solo get hit for 1.5m damage per sec. It is about sitting around waiting for cooldowns then just blowing up the enemy then waiting on cooldowns again. Very fun gameplay.

In Groups the mobs and bosses have massive damage and health pools now. Did a Waterworks after the change went into place. In the dungeon before it the elites had 30m and trash mobs had 10m for a 3man group. Boss had 140m. After the change in Waterworks the Elites had 90m, trash had 25m, and bosses had 500m. While the bosses still had the crazy 1.5m damage aoes they spammed every minute which is faster than healer CDs and defensive CDs. Bosses in solo I haven’t changed but when I was doing them yesterday it was 3m trash, 11m elite, 60m Boss. The healths all got buffed around 8x for adding 2 people a tank and healer. Healths should just go up based on the number of people scaling off solo. 1 per 100% (Normal), 2 People double health of solo, 3 people triple health of solo, etc etc.

The patch notes claim they reduced the damage scaling but no they still hit just as hard as before just now take 10x longer to kill as a group. While in a solo there are so many of the bosses setup not solo friendly where you can’t CC the mobs, can’t get rid of the damage you are taking, can’t avoid the attacks, just get ate and there is nothing you can do. For Blizzard saying they want to make the content better they aren’t in the best state currently.

Delves will fail and be one of the most hated content if this is the step Blizzard wants to take it. It will just be a dead content no one does. So much for wanting to be moving towards alt and solo play friendly. Guess it is back to where I sit in the main city sitting trying to queue for groups for hours and not actually playing the game?


the thing is they could of held us with a sub if they didnt nuke Delves. Now there is nothing to do. They only did this because they dont want anyone getting to geared for M+ next week thats it. Theyll say it was a coding issue or this or that but watch it wont be fixed until next tuesday when delves become pointless for gearing (for M+ racers and mythic raiders) thats the only reason why. Everyone has fun and Blizzard has to kill it because heaven forbid they let the game be fun. Numbers continue to drop and they refuse to do right on the game I feel really bad all these years and efforts will come to a close probably in the next 5 years or so because I don’t see how they keep WoW going they continue to do this every expansion and honestly this broke me to the point I really just want to unsub. Im tired of them only caring about M+ runners and World first runners speed running an MMORPG, insane. Since they want to cater to streamers and speeders hopefully they fund it enough

It seems like the Devs are using AI to make buffs and nerf, it explains why they are nuking anything fun to do into the ground. Delves are basically pointless to do with more than 1 person now as the penalties are insane, for almost no benefit. Just make them where you have to do it solo and save yourself the effort.

Also…STILL NO MENTION OF CLOTH NOT DROPPING for tailors, even with maxed KP talents.

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Good, they should be exclusively solo content. It’s ridiculous you can even party for them.

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They were suppose to be content for 1 to 4 players, mainly tuned around 2 or 3 people that just want to chill and do something but not full 5 man runs.


why would they need to nerf content to keep me subbed? i dont get this arguement. i would stay subscribed regardless if finished the content or not. i have had a active sub for 5 straight years.

Because they get to keep you the rest of the month while they “work on fixing the issue” and wait til M+ raiders next week run all the dungeons to their little hearts get geared out of the delves and they give it back to us with ah “we apologize but delves have been tuned down and we found a healthy balance between challenging and fun” all this is, is to cater to world first racers and M+ scumbags who wanna speed run an MMO genius right? Tune the entire game around 20% of the community


that is pretty dumb, i was gonna login for another 4 hours and do delves because they were fun and the gear was awsome but now its overtuned to high hell and outside running m0s for gear there is no reasont to login rn. so i guess i log until the reset and go play overwatch for the rest of the week.


Overwatch 2 ! enjoying all the PvE haha no but fr they killed delves I dont even wanna play my alts now haha they burned me good. Probably going to unsub and just play elden ring. They said oh you guys liked the powerups from torghast? heres a healing mushroom and a backpack. Honestly Riot with league of legends balances better lmao and they man and invuln. cat lol


You owe players a playtime credit for this delve “fix”, and a sincere apology. Not a corporat-ese apology. A real one.


Notice no blue post since that hotfix? they arent going to “fix it” they are going to wait til the M+ speeders are done next week and then revert back once the gear there is “useless” (for them).


Dev: Lets design these mechanics around interrupts on a 24 sec timer.

Intern: Sir, shadow priests have a 30 sec cd interrupt and healer priests have none

Dev: Nah they got psychic scream, they’ll be fine.

Intern: But the boss is immune to fear.

Dev: I said they’ll be fine, they can heal themselves.

Intern: but missing the interrupt kills you.

Dev: I said they’ll be fine.

Dev during interview: “The intention is that they’re still accomplished with anybody”

Other dev during interview: “We have tools to make it easier for certain specs and in some cases harder if necessary”


You think all questing should be mandatory partying too? Nonsense. An MMO doesn’t mean you have to always be in a party focusing down the same mobs. Simply sharing an economy is enough. I love chatting to people, queuing bgs, matchmaking dungeons, and joining in on world activity with pugs. Can’t do that in a single player game.

Solo gear progression as an option is the future of mmos.


Intern: Hey the clothies are getting 2 shot by the auto attacks of a rando trash mob.
Dev: Theyll get better iLvl gear and survive later
Intern: but but they are already at 590 and the delve says 575 needed
Dev: hmmmmm well fix it during the next major patch theres tons of content…like world quests.
Intern: thats the answer to everything…world quests…


kek made me laugh

I see you have trouble reading. I just listed MMO activities I like. Not everything in an MMO has do be done in parties at all times. Just stop lol


gear progression shouldnt be tied to solo only. i play aug, a class that hits like a wet noodle but makes others like they are on steroids. solo content is miserable for the spec i enjoy.