The War Within Hotfixes - October 16

I dunno everything seems to be way harder in delves while in a group


Yeah, had a normal mob in a 3 person party one shot the two melee and it had to be killed by the ranged kiting it. If we were all melee idk what would be the play.

Not to mention some random things that aren’t even bosses taking cds to the face to have their HP go down like 20%.


These hotfix changes are insane in regards to the damage. Doing them earlier today was fun, a friend just asked to try a group attempt and we went into waterworks and getting hit for 6 mil+ from trash mobs as a DPS is crazy XD

I really hope they tone it down a bit cause a group of 3 of us gave up on the final boss after 44 deaths getting 1 shot by his burning wax ability at 600 ilvl


My recommendation would be to revert all changes. Any fixes should be deployed during maintenance. A large number of people have already used their keys, Anyone who only plays during the weekend is SoL. Do not implement the revives change.


Thanks for breaking Mirror Images on delves, now they are useless.


they need to fix it, not just bc the weekend, but bc the change make delves imposible now.
Literally u cant solo delves on some classes u get 1 shoot by non elits hitting for 20million


Thank you blizzard for ruining my fun… AS USUAL


i have 3 616’s waiting in my vault, but now i cant do my daily bountiful delves


Changes sounded good on paper but somehow you INCREASED the damage of mobs into the MILLIONS. Everything just one shotting our group now in a T8 delve. Tiny non elite mobs like ankle biters are even hitting over 7,000,000 damage lmao.



I don’t mythic.

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I feel I must ask a fundamental question, what did blizzard learn from torghast?

Players didn’t like mandatory content they had to do on a daily/weekly basis in order for their character to perform.

Why is the best gear and great vault my character can get atm in Delves and not M0’s/heroic raid? Why are there only 4 of them up per day?

These require more than torghast per week, don’t give you fun powerfantasy boosts or new mechanics like inability to jump or mechanic changes like casts from jumping or abilities combining etc. They seem to have taken the least interesting and enjoyable aspects of torghast, that were publicly recognized as the problem areas, and then made them worse?

And did blizzard not learn from Zskarn and the early access levelling changes that making them mid-week in a hotfix is improper timing to make these changes?

I’m reaching the point of having no more upgrades from delves, you’d think that’d mean I would be comfortably able to clear them, being a CE raider for years. But white swings from mobs and repetitive casts are capable of 2 shotting my character. What is the intended gameplay solution here? They feel as though they were not even tested.

I’m just left confused.


are you really surprised that a small indie company cant even get 1 thing right? they are screw-ups themselves… cant even make a game run smoothly AFTER 20 YEARS

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its pissing me off

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this isn’t balanced for smaller groups they can die more often without bricking the delve one wipe with 5 and its over


On the bright side, next week mythic+ will be available so we can stop doing delves.


honestly this part is the worst for anyone who hasn’t done their 8 rank 8 delves yet


As if M+ is going to be any less of a clown fiesta lol. Can’t wait for the 50/50 chance of my Dawnbreaker key bricking itself because the ship decided it didn’t want to spawn at the start, or the final boss went invincible again, or one of the 500 other bugs in that dungeon that have been reported since the beta and STILL haven’t been fixed.

Daily lockout, forever behind if you don’t do it… Yeah makes sense, TOTALLY for casual players. Also can’t choose which version of the delves to do…

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oooo we found a bug yesterday if you kill the mob on the ship to quick you get stuck and it wont spawn the boss until everyone in the party dies lol and it locks you from jumping so we had to let the bombs kill us lol

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Hopefully that was a misprint