The War Within Hotfixes - October 10

It’s really not acceptable, but according to Blizz the data was lost. Bearing that in mind, I think ‘unacceptable’ is the best we’re going to get out of this and we’ll have to decide what we want to do with this outcome.

September 26, 2024


  • Priest
    • Void Leech no longer interrupts eating or drinking.


  • Fixed an issue where the Fungal Footpads could make you jump backwards.
  • Fungal Footpads now heal for a percentage amount of your maximum health. The tooltip will be corrected in a future patch.

Dungeons and Raids

  • The Stonevault
    • Chi Burst is no longer able to pull enemies through the walls prior to killing E.D.N.A.
  • Nerub-ar Palace
    • Rasha’nan
      • Fixed a bug that could allow Rasha’nan to become unkillable if defeated at specific moments.
    • Queen Ansurek
      • Addressed an issue where Expulsion Beam visual was notably delayed in disappearing if the caster died mid-cast.


  • Hallowfall Fishing Derby
    • Derby Marks for catching each fish while the Derby Dasher aura is active are now character-specific, instead of shared between your Warband (20 Marks per character).
    • Captain Oathmyt’s “Hallowfall Fishing Derby” quest is now character-specific, instead of shared between your Warband.
    • “Hallowfall Fishing Derby” quests now award 10 Mereldar Derby Marks per completion.
    • “Hallowfall Fishing Derby” quests now give the option of either 2 Soaked Journal Entries, 2 Algari Seekerthreads, or 2 Algari Anglerthreads per completion.
    • Fish specific pools such as the Royal Ripple and Swarm of Slum Sharks will now persist longer when found.


  • Feral Hide Drums no longer work on players above level 70.
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This is great and all, but it feels bad when I only do fishing on 1 character, so basically I’m making 15 less marks a week.


You know what makes me sad? I had hopes you guys would actually fix the underlight angler fishing rod that’s STILL broken since pre-patch, but you’re focus seems to continue to simply nerf older items so minuscule like feral hide drums. Makes sense now. I have no hopes anymore for this.

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well that sucks. new drums cost 2700 per which is insane.


So I have to use an alt for fishing to be able to get the same number of marks initially now?

Why not make the first completion of the quest earn 25 marks on the account and subsequent completions award 10? That way folks that just want to one toon can stay at the same rate as before for mark acquisition.

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Ah yes cause saving gold was too much for TWW economy


So… now it’s officially a multi-character event, yet doesn’t seem very Warband friendly… :dracthyr_tea:

Did they even fix the bug where you accept the quest on an alt, but the buff doesn’t activate? :dracthyr_a1:

And what about the people who don’t have alts? Smh. :dracthyr_shrug:

1 step forward and 5 steps back…

How hard is it to not punish people playing one character? Simple fix. Literally the easiest thing possible.

Derby rewards 25 tokens on first character you do.

Subsequent derby completions on other characters give 5-10 marks.

Only the first time you catch a specific fish each week will give you the bonus mark regardless of how many characters you use, only ever one. This gives people who WANT to grind on alts 5-10 per character and doesn’t force them to grind every fish as well.

While returning single character players back to the intended rate of earning.


Great now I have to spend EVEN MORE GOLD in an expansion where raw gold is the worst it’s ever been. I was looting more gold in MoP. Enchants cost way too much, flasks are outrageously priced, and I can’t make gold fast enough. Guess my solo delves will just have to go without hero now…


I really believe the Fishing Derby needs to be a weekly quest that we can complete any day of the week. Im not a fan of making people spend an hour every Saturday fishing to get their marks, especially now that it seems we have to do multiple hours on alts to make any progress on collecting marks.

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The decision-making for this event feels so weird, with the opening for multiple characters I still think it should work like I suggested here: Hallowfall Fishing Derby (plus the new reward choice)

Derby Marks for unique catches just add too much on alts for the little time it takes to get ~15 of the easier ones. That’s so against players with only one character who might see up to 30 every Saturday, while multi-character players can add like 25 every 10 minutes without leaving Hallowfall.

I’d rather see a big 50-60 Marks on the first completion, Marks for unique catches back to Warband-shared, and repeated completions down to 3-5 plus the reward choice (is that even additional or does it replace the Derby Marks?) so players don’t have to decide between transmogs or fishing upgrades (and Threads will be pointless when we spun in 100 of each in one character’s Weaverline)

The reward choice also feels unequal when we don’t see the costs of some purchases changed: 2x Threads cost 20 Marks, while 2x Journals cost 10 Marks.

Whatever… I hope all this stuff is working tomorrow. (by the way, unique catches were always character-specific, that’s not a change, but we could only recognize it on the Early Access Saturday because later characters didn’t get the mandatory buff).

Should have just made the new drums 20%.

are all characters going to get the buff separate from the main character. Last week they could pick up the quest but couldn’t get the buff so got no credit.

And I agree with the other poster - it was still better the way you had it originally. I have two characters at 300 fishing so it will only be a matter if I have time to do this but that derby requires a certain level of fishing so most players won’t be able to access this.

You amaze me - you spent years complaining the game wasn’t alt friendly and now you don’t play your alts.

If they are going to change this again - I just want it to go back the way it was originally. Spending that amount of time on alt just for 5-10 marks is ridiculous.

Your suggestion is actually nerfing everyone since if you do it on a single character now you have the potential of getting 50 marks or the equivalent.

Sure am happy I only ever did it on a single character now. So now instead of them being warbound you must collect specific amounts on every character you may plan to run through a Saturday only quest.

Nope, not good enough.

Was fun while it lasted.

Could have just left as is, it was fine. If you wanted it to be something players would like to “farm” on alts, let them, make the rewards less for each subsequent turn in.

25 for first turn on of the day, 3-10 for each other turn in.

They are also giving items worth 10 marks each or 20 marks in total - so we are getting instead of 25 mark reward a 30 mark reward for completion. If you only want to do it on one character you are still ahead of how they had it originally unless you have no interest in these items.

We are getting a 10 mark reward for the quest, plus whatever you get from the Trophy fish you catch with the buff in the 1 hour the buff is active. I’m not counting the other choices included as currency, as it’s not currency.

Interest or not, doing it on a single character or not, I’m still behind from where it was.

This is the part that stood out:

You now you will have to keep up on your alts as the currency from Trophy fish is character specific.

I have 164 on this character, I did the event every week up until last week, I’ll just spend what I have and be done.

Why they changed it so dramatically, I have no idea.

I’ll pass. If the vendor is there now, I’ll grab 3 items and be done.

So complete opposite to me. “Different strokes …” and all that.

and Yes, the currency is transferable, I guess the wording was confusing to me? But I’m still behind from where we were.

That’s if it works tomorrow as it sure didn’t last week.

I’m passing. Vendor is not here right now so I’ll spend my currency tomorrow.

the currency is still transferable - the aura is character specific

those were the only things I was buying with marks anyway - nothing else interests me.

you know that quest is a pain to do but catching 5-10 different fish on each alt really isn’t. You could just pick up the quest for the buff and spend 10 minutes fishing up the different fish and letting the quest fail and come out ahead - that would be 30 marks if you did 3 characters and you spend how you want. Heck might not even take 10 minutes on each if you use the lures you can buy - that’s 5 fish right there.

I have convinced myself now this is better than the original.